Part 6

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Amy's p.o.v.

I was walking home with Silver after the picnic was over. It was already dark out, leaving only the street lights and Silver's glowing gear to guide us. I was carrying my container that I used to contain the cake, which was gone and consumed by everyone. We were going through all the pictures that Silver took. He got one with him and Blaze sitting together laughing, one with Rouge tackling Knuckles, Tails showing Cream one of his newest inventions, Sonic and Knuckles arm wrestling, Blaze, Rouge and I posing in front of a tree, and last but not least, Shadow pushing me on the swings. I could feel my cheeks turning red and I was grateful that it was dark and Silver couldn't see me. I wouldn't be able to hear the end of it. However, he didn't have to see me to know what was happening.

"Hey, this ones a great one Amy! We should get these all printed and framed, don't you think?" He asked leaving the picture of me and Shadow up.

"Yeah, we can add them all to our scrapbook and frame our favorite ones like always," I smiled. Me and Silver have a little tradition where he takes pictures at all our events with our friends. We have several scrapbooks where we put them all, and our favorites, we frame them and hang them up around the house. "We can definitely hang up the one with you and Blaze. That's one of my favorites," I teased.

"I would hope we get to hang that one up, it's almost my two year anniversary with her! And by almost, I mean tomorrow," he said sighing in complete bliss and happiness. I smiled at him knowing very well he was in love with the purple cat that I considered one of my best friends.

We arrived home and crashed on the couch. "What are you doing for your anniversary?" I asked.

He looked puzzled for a bit. "I don't know.. I want it to be even better than last year, that's for sure!"

"I don't know, that might be hard to top," I chuckled.

"I know, how can you top a romantic candlelit dinner on a pier overlooking the ocean during a sunset?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure you'll think of something," I said reassuring him. "And remember, you have me and other friends to help you set whatever you have planned," I smiled patting him on the shoulder.

"That's it! I have a plan!" He exclaimed and ran upstairs, leaving me puzzled. He came back with some whiteboards and markers. He also tried to call up some of the gang to come over. I'm surprised they all made it, considering it's almost 11.

Slowly, everyone started filing in and sitting on the couch. I went to the kitchen to fetch coffees and snacks, knowing we probably won't sleep tonight. I scanned the room and saw Silver of course, Tails, Cream, Knuckles, and Rouge. I gave them all a mug, fitted into their own likings of how sweet they preferred their coffee. I liked making sure I got how my friends prefer their foods and drinks so I could please them. They all thanked me and Silver was pacing around lost in thought. Shadow showed up and I smiled at him. He nodded back in acknowledgment and sat on the couch by Knuckles. I rushed to the kitchen to make him a black coffee. I also made myself an iced coffee. I left crackers and cheese on the coffee table along with chips and dip in front of the couch in case anyone wanted any. Maybe I could make little sandwiches if anyone got more hungry. I arrived back to the living room with my cup in one hand and Shadow's in another.

"Black coffee with no sweetener, just how you like it," I giggled handing the mug over to him and sitting to his right. He thanked me and drank, happy that he had caffeine to keep him up at this time after a long day. I smiled and took a sip of my own beverage, leaning back on the armrest of the couch.

Silver looked up at the wall clock that read 11:30 and signed. "I can't wait all day for blueboy, we'll have to start without him," he muttered loud enough for us to hear so we know what's happening. Then he spoke up. "Okay, as you all know, tomorrow is mine and Blaze's two year anniversary. I really want it to be special. And I need all of your help, please."

"Of course we'll help you Mr. Silver!" Cream exclaimed. I looked over and witnessed the scene. Tails and Cream holding hands, and Knuckles and Rouge holding hands, with her head resting on his shoulder. Then there's Silver planning his anniversary. I sat alone at the end of the couch. Well, alone with Shadow. But we're not together. I couldn't prevent myself from frowning at the thought of being alone.

I was quickly shaken out of my thoughts of despair because we were being put to work. We all had our own little roles to make everything perfect. We were being put into pairs to make things easier. The obvious couples were together, leaving me and Shadow together. My muzzle turned slightly pink. Then all of a sudden someone burst through the door.

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up with Sally!" Sonic explained. I felt my ears drop. Not because I still had any feelings left for him, but it still hurt knowing that he was still seeing her.

"Sonic I'll have to catch you up and figure out a role for you, everyone else, do the job you were given please!" Silver ordered. We all walked out the door heading our separate ways with our partners.

Me and Shadow got all the supplies we needed, and we were on our way to the spot Silver instructed us to go to. We weren't needed until night time, but we went and reserved our spot so no one could take it and ruin our plans. We laid down a picnic blanket and normal blankets for ourselves and laid down. We took shifts sleeping so we didn't miss any cues. I slept first, cuddling into Shadow's body for warmth. He wrapped an arm around me, and I fell into a deep slumber.

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