Part 10

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Amy' p.o.v

I woke up to the faint sound of whistling and plates clanking. Curious, I got up and went downstairs. I slowly walked down the steps, still a bit drowsy from recently getting up. I looked over the railing, only to see Silver making food. I looked over at the clock, and it read 12:45. I guess he's making brunch by the looks of it. He has plates scattered neatly on the counter, each containing different items of food. One had biscuits, one had toast, one with eggs, bacon, and thin potato wedges. He looked over at me. "Morning Ames, just thought I would make a little something," he smiled.

"Wow Silver, you've really outdone yourself," I said sitting on a stool in front of the counter with all the food, watching him fry more eggs. He was cooking them all different, some scrambled, hard boiled, sunny side up, etc. As I watched, I was getting curious. "So, what's the occasion?"

"Does there have to be an occasion for me to cook?" He asked pretending to be offended, as he dramatically gasped and put his hand to his chest.

I playfully rolled my eyes, then smiled. "No, cook away."

He smirked. "Thought so," and he returned to flipping his eggs.

"Except.. this is a lot of food, how do you expect only us to finish this?" I asked.

He quickly turned his head towards me with a sly smirk. "I thought you'd never ask. I called Shadow over to eat with us."

"W-what?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, he should be here in five minutes or so," he shrugged.

"F-five minutes?? Silver, I'm still in pajamas, why didn't you tell me?" And with that I ran upstairs to get ready. As I ran I heard him chuckle. I will have to get him back sometime.

I quickly threw on my pink dress with golden buttons, over the knee purple socks, my pink and purple running shoes with matching gold buttons, and sports tape. White around my waist, and purple at the end of my gloves. Last but not least, my gold bracelets. I brushed my teeth and brushed my quills. I heard a knock downstairs. I panicked. I sprayed a bit of perfume on my neck and wrists, and a little behind my ears. I took a glance into my vanity mirror, and took a deep breath. I walked out my room and at the bottom of the steps I saw Shadow and Silver interacting.

"Yeah, she's getting ready. Wants to look good for you," Silver said elbowing Shadow, teasing him.

"Ahem," I said crossing my arms walking down the steps towards them.

"Uh I mean uh.. I'm gonna get the juice out," he quickly said leaving the scene.

I looked over at Shadow, blushing.

"You look nice," he smirked.

That reddened my blush. "T-thank you," I stuttered. Ugh what's wrong with me? I was fine confidently confronting Silver a second ago, and just looking at Shadow made me feel like my body was turning into putty.

We both walked into the kitchen, seeing Silver with cups filled with juice, and three empty plates. He used his telekinesis to hand a plate to us. "Grab whatever!" We all grabbed what pleases us, and sat down together at our dining room table and started eating.

"So, I noticed you two have gotten closer. I guess I have some competition," Silver chuckled.

I immediately changed the topic. "How have your lessons been with Tails?" Silver knew what game I was playing, and he wasn't about to backdown. When he was determined about something, he will go for it as hard as he can without defeat. Even if it was something as silly as matchmaking.

"It has been good, he taught me to repair wires and to fly his plane. I'll continue and possibly learn how to repair inventions or possibly make them."

"And you and Blaze? Did she enjoy the anniversary?" Shadow asked stepping in.

"Mhm, she loved it! Thanks so much for that, I owe you guys." Then he had an evil grin. "You guys had to spend an awful lot of time during that, did anything happen?"

We both blushed, eating our food. Then Shadow got a call. "Excuse me," he said and left to the living room.

I looked at Silver. "What are you doing?" I growled.

"I'm just making simple conversation, I don't see the harm in it," he shrugged.

"About me and Shadow?"

"Why not? It's clear you both are into each other, I'm just trying to make you both realize it to save the trouble."

Shadow walked back into the dining room. "I need to go, Knuckles called me over to help him and Tails with something. Thank you for the food Silver, I'll see you both later." And with that he let himself out. I felt kind of sad that he was gone, but I wasn't about to let Silver know that.

"Amy, I know you're sad."

I looked at him shocked.

"Don't forget that I've known you for quite a long time, and we've been living with each other for a long time. I can read you like a book. One of those children books because it's so easy for me to read you."

I sighed, but I also smiled at him. "Silver, what am I going to ever do with you?"

"Thank me when I get you and Mr. Badboy together," he said winking.

I chuckled. "In your dreams."

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