Part 3

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Silver's p.o.v.

I closed the door behind Shadow as he left. I walked back to the couch to grab his glass. "I know these two would be great together, they just need a little push," I thought. I put the glass into the sink and grabbed another glass of water and medication for Amy, knowing she'll have a painful hangover. I started to make my way up the stairs to Amy's room. It'll be hard, considering Amy is too afraid to love after the whole Sonic fiasco, while Shadow is just to stubborn to realize he has feelings and emotions just like the rest of us. I was honestly surprised the ebony hedgehog had opened that much to me, considering the years he spent building a wall separating himself and his emotions. It means a lot to me that he trusted me with such information. I knocked on Amy's door. All I heard from the other side was a muffled groan. I chuckled and opened the door making my way to her bed.

"Someone had some fun last night," I teased sending her a wink and handing her the glass of water and pill. She sat up graciously and took them both. She quickly downed the water along with the pill. I sat down at the end of her bed. "Wanna explain to me what happened?" I watched as her muzzle turned pink. She looked away.

"I danced and drank with Shadow at the party. Then we came back and just talked all night," she explained, turning a darker shade of pink.

"Oh that's all, hm?" I asked, testing to see how much she'd reveal to me. I also enjoyed teasing the rosy pink hedgehog.

"Y-yes, I fell asleep after w-we were talking.." She stuttered nervously, toying with a part of her blanket.

"Oh, you fell asleep. And Shadow.. I can't quite remember when I saw him last... if I recall, I think it was in this exact spot," I smirked.

She turned red now. "W-what? A-are you sure?"

I smiled and poked her nose. "Nothing gets past me, missy. Now go get dressed, we have a lunch to attend." I got up to leave until I heard her call out to me.

"W-wait, Silver. This is a little.. embarrassing, but have you ever seen Shadow.. being as nice as you saw him with me.. towards any other girl?" I looked at her and her head was tilted down. She was fidgeting a lot with her blankets, or twirling her hair.

"Ames, I've never seen him be that nice towards anyone. I know how he treated Maria with kindness, but that was in a sibling kind of way. With you, it seems like much more. Which is a shocker since I've only seen you two interact for what? A day?" I chuckled. "Have you both interacted before last night? It looked like you two are so comfortable with each other."

She blushed and looked away. I became curious. Had they? However she didn't say anything, so I left so she could get ready for lunch. I went downstairs to call Shadow, to see if he was also attending. It was a group picnic kind of thing.
Amy's p.o.v.

As Silver left me room, I went to take a quick shower. I got dressed in my regular attire, and sat at my vanity. I just stared at myself in the mirror. "Have you both interacted before last night?" That question kept coming back into my head. "Yes," I thought. "A few times."


I sat alone on the calm beach. I sat in the sand and watched each passing wave throw themselves onto the shore. The beach was where I liked to think. The sounds of the waves were relaxing, easy to calm her mind when she's stressed or upset. It has been two years since I had gotten over my obsessive crush, yet I didn't know why it pained me to see him blowing off our dinner plans to go on a date with another girl. I sighed as the sun started to set. I closed my eyes, and let the addictive sound of the ocean waves pull me into another world. A world where problematic boys didn't exist. I just sat there, for who knows how long. I knew the sun was going to set soon, but I wasn't ready to leave. My ears twitched, as I heard the sound of sand being shifted around by me. I opened my eyes. I gasped. I looked up into a pair of familiar crimson eyes. Below the eyes, I saw a signature smirk.

"Long time no see," he said without the smirk leaving his face. Oh how I missed that smirk. Wait, what? I shook my head from my strange thoughts. But without thinking, I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him into the sand with me. I could tell he was startled, shocked, and didn't know what to do. Then he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, returning the embrace. I buried my face into his white chest fur. I inhaled his scent, he smelt of pine and fire. "Mind if I join?" He asked before slowly letting go. To be honest, I felt kind of sad when he let go. But I replaced that feeling with a smile.

"Not at all!" And I moved over slightly so he could sit with me in the sand. I looked up and saw the sun starting to set over the horizon. We just sat there watching as the sky that was once filled with bright, vibrant colors, turned into a deep, dark shade of blue that looked almost black. But that darkness was being contrasted by small specks of millions of bright lights. Stars. The silence was finally broken from Shadow.

"Guess we should get you home, Rose." I only hummed in reply, agreeing even though I was sad the moment was now gone. He got up and helped me to my feet. He carried my bridal style, and he sped off into the night, with me in his arms.

Present Day

I sighed in bliss at the memory. Shadow was an interesting character, and I was glad I saw him again the night of the party.

Now I have to see what this whole "lunch" thing is about.

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