•Chapter 35: Cold•

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It was nighttime and Clementine still had the toddler wrapped around her. She sang him a lullaby until he felt asleep in her arms. She smiled and kissed his little head and let him sleep for awhile.

From afar, Gabe couldn't help but smile at the sight of Clementine having Aj back. It's been awhile since Gabe had found Aj but finding him wasn't as easy as giving him back to Clementine. He risked alot and he lost alot. All of which he didn't want to mention to Clementine yet.

Clementine gave him a glance and when his eyes caught hers, he switched his gaze and stared at the campfire Rick and Carl had set up awhile ago.

Carl sat across from Gabe and beside Clementine, trying to give her some food which she gladly accepted. For Clementine, it didn't mean anything since they've been around together for quite sometime now but Gabe however couldn't help but feel his heart ache.

Why am I even feeling this way? She's never mine to begin with. Gabe said as he sighed.

"So, how did you find us?" Rick interrogated as he finished the barbed fence around them.

"I didn't, you found me." Gabe said ever so simply and took a bite from his now roasted deer meat.

"How did you find Aj?" Clementine suddenly blurted out and her voice instantly gave him goosebumps. Good thing he was wearing a jacket to prevent anyone from seeing it.

He shrugged off the pain he's been feeling and replied, "I'll tell you some other time. But for now, can I just sleep? I haven't slept in days" and with that, the teenage boy laid down by the campfire, his back facing everyone.

His voice sounded emotionless and blunt— something Clementine wasn't used to. Whenever he would see her, he would have the biggest smile plastered on his face but now, he didn't even bothered to smile at her or even make eye contact with her. She didn't know what she did to make him upset, but she's gonna figure that out in the morning.

"You should get some shut eye too, Clemmie. We have a long walk ahead of us tomorrow." Carl said as he tried to make himself comfortable at the ground.

Clementine glanced over to Rick, worry filling her eyes and she held the sleeping toddler in her arms a bit closer as if it was a porcelain doll that would break if she suddenly let go of it.

"I'll keep watch. You should sleep Clementine. By tomorrow morning, I'm sure that we're going to find the others." Rick said with a comforting smile which she returned by smiling back at him. "Thank you."

- - -
Rick drove down the dusty and lonely road that only had either dead bodies scattered every 6 miles or walkers eating dead rabbits or deers. Carl sat in the passenger's seat, his sheriff's hat covering his face as he slept while Clementine and Gabe sat in the backseat with Aj at Clementine's lap.

Clementine has been playing with his for awhile now and she made sure that Aj has already been fed.

Earlier, she tried talking to Gabe but he would try to avoid her by suddenly helping Rick with cleaning up or telling her that he needs to go pee or he has to do something important.

He's been dodging my questions. Clementine thought as she looked at the boy sitting next ro her who was apparently leaning his head against the window and watching the trees pass by.

Aj lightly tapped Clementine's cheek, catching her attention "What is it Aj?" She asked as Aj yawned and slept again on her.

Clementine giggled and stroked Aj's back as if he were her own then looked back at Gabe.

She cleared her throat and tapped Gabe by his shoulder. Gabe lazily looked at her, his eyes showing no interest of talking to her "Yeah?" He asked.

"Uhh, I just noticed that you've been kinda avoiding me since we've met again. Is something bothering you?" Clementine asked as nice as she could.

Gabe sighed and rolled his eyes. He shook his head and leaned back on the window "Nothing. I'm just a little tired is all." He muttered. "I'm gonna take a quick nap. Do you mind waking me up later?"


She was about to reply but he cut him off by saying, "Thanks" and completely ignoring her again.

Just why the hell is he suddenly so cold to me?

Dark Past (Gabentine fanfiction) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now