2,000+ Special! Kagome x Male! Demon! Reader

Start from the beginning

"Inuyasha... I'm flattered but....I love someone else." Kagome responded.

"Oh." Inuyasha said as his ears dropped.

Now I feel sorry for the poor guy. Geez.

I then speeded back to the group.

"I've heard enough." I said to myself.

I then dropped on the ground and began stargazing.

"Mother... What'll I do?" I asked her traced face in the sky.

"Don't worry love. You will find love. I promise you that much." Her voice faintly said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Hey um...Y/b/n?" I heard the sweet voice of Kagome ask.

"Yes?" I asked, my eyes still glued to the sky and my body still on the ground.

"Can I tell you what I wanted to say?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

She then sat next to me and smiled.

"The first day I met you I thought you were just mean, destructive, and selfish. But now I see that you've changed. My opinion has changed about you too. At first I didn't trust you. I felt as if I hated you which I don't and didn't. But now I feel....like you belong. I feel like I love you. So much." She said.

My eyes widened when those words slipped out of her mouth.

"You love me?" I asked.

She nodded.

I sat up and looked her way. She looked towards me. Her eyes twinkled from the light from the moon and stars and her body was outlined perfectly by the light.

I slowly leaned in towards her, our face inches from each other. Until I finally closed the gap in between us.

I ran my hand through her hair and grabbed her waist. I pulled her closer to me and licked her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and I let my tounge do the exploring. I then started to run out of air so I pulled away.

"I love you too Kagome." I said after catching my breath.

She smiled and kissed me once more.


Me and Kagome told the others we were together. Inuyasha tried to kill me but I overpowered him. Everyone else was happy for me and Kagome.

Inuyasha slowly went with it though. After a while we battled with Naraku and I promised Kagome that if we got out alive that we would get married.

As soon as Naraku died, Kagome was sucked in a Meido. I was devastated.

"I cannot a believe a full blooded demon such as yourself has fallen for a mere human woman." Sesshomaru said.

"And I cannot believe a full blooded, cold blooded, all mighty dog demon such as yourself started caring for a HUMAN little girl!" I shouted back angrily.

Sesshomaru shot me a glare and shot a deadlier one.

He then looked away and started walking off.

I waited. First it was 3 days. Inuyasha came back. Saddened and dull. He told everyone that Kagome isn't coming back and that she's safe.

Shippo and Sango started crying. Miroku was about to burst into a bawling season.

But me? I stood there. No tears...nothing.

No emotion or anything.

It was as if all of my emotion was sucked out of my body, not even an ounce left.

I looked down and turned away. I went back to the village and jumoed on a tree. My emotionless face was a surprise to everyone.

My eyes changed from diamond blue to a dull gray. My once readable and funny face was an emotionless one.

It was like the entire workd was black and white and it was as if my entire life meant nothing. Like I had gone emo.

I waited. Forever.

Inuyasha kept trying to get me to cheer up but it wouldn't work. I never loved again and I never felt any emotion ever again. For three years.

That is until one faithful day.

I smelled a familiar scent.

The day when Sango was having her baby.

I ran. Faster than I ever ran before.

I ran almost like I teleported.

I soon arrived at the well. I looked in it and stuck my hand in it. It was grabbed by a soft and silky smooth hand. I pulled the hand up and it showed the lovely human I loved so very much. Kagome.

"Kagome." I said softly.

She smiled at me as I put her down.

"You idiot. You scared life out of me. Literally." I said as I hugged her.

She smiled and hugged me back.

I didn't forget our promise and it looks like she didn't either.

After a few months we got married and she was pregnant. I was happy. With the love of my life carrying my little baby that will soon be a pain in the ass later on.

The only thing that I would ever want.

My mother and father must be happy up there. In the loving realm of heaven.....or hell. I dunno.

But what matters is that I'm living the life I've always wanted.

Mom was right.

I did find true love.

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