GUYS I'M SORRY--Really Important! Please read!

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Hey everybody.

SO I thought I should update you on what the hell is going on and why I haven't been updating.

Well, first things first (I'm the, sorry, I had to), I start college in a few weeks. I've been busy preparing for that's the first reason.

Second, I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, so I practice a lot. I suck, but I'm slowly getting there.

Third, I work quite a bit. So obviously, that takes up time.

And lastly, I'm trying to spend time with people before I leave.

I feel like I'm busy every day, so I don't have much time to write. I will try to update Friday, but most likely, it won't be until next week. I have all of next week off of work (YAY!), so I'll probably update a couple times that week.

There's only gonna be a few more chapters until the book ends. It's coming so quickly! AHHH! (And you'll love how it ends--I already have it planned out in my head. Promise you'll love it :))

So anyways, that's why I haven't been updating lately. I apologize, but I just have a lot things going on right now. It's all so exciting; I seriously cannot wait to move into my dorm. I love where I'm going to college so much! I cannot wait to get out of this small town :)

On another note,

Thank you all so much for the support. I know I say it a lot, but it means so much to me. I love seeing you guys reading, voting, and commenting. It's amazing to know people actually enjoy my writing (cuz honestly I don't think I'm a great writer). Thank you all again, and I'm sorry for not updating! I'll do my best.



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