Chapter 10: Conflicted

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from the other room. It took me a second to remember that I was in Niall's hotel room.

I'm so glad I came here last night. I want to spend as much time with Niall as I can before he leaves. I told him I made my decision, but honestly, I haven't. I don't know whether I should stay here and wait for him to come back in a month, or go with him. I have feelings for him, but if anything did happen, it wouldn't last. He's an international pop star and I'm going to college in the fall. We're going down two completely different paths in life that don't diverge into one. But yet I feel as though I should let myself fall...I never take risks. At this age, I should be making stupid mistakes, right?

I want to take things slow. Yeah, spending the night at his place isn't really taking it slow, but nothing happened. The kiss in his car the other night was too much. I told myself I wouldn't let that happen again. I know I sound ridiculous, but it all sounds sensible to me right now.

I bury my face in his pillow, trying to push the troubling thoughts out of my mind. Gosh, his bed is so comfortable and warm...I could stay here forever....

As I lay there, the thought dawned on me: school! I jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen.

"Niall! What time is it? Shit, I'm late for school!"

I spin around on my heels, ready to run into the bedroom to change. But Niall wraps his hand around my wrist, stopping me in my path.

"Brooke, I made sure to set your phone alarm. It's 6 AM. I'm making you breakfast...sit," he says with a grin on his face, pointing to the stool.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much, Niall. I was so tired I completely forgot."

"Of course" he replies, kissing my cheek. "Anything to help make your decision," he grins, wiggling his eyebrows. I tried not to laugh, but let a few chuckles slip.

"I'm gonna go get ready for school while you make breakfast," I say, getting up. "Thanks again," I smile, wrapping my arms around him as he plants a kiss on the top of my head.

I decided on wearing white denim shorts with a floral tank top. I put on black eyeliner, mascara, and some blush.

As I walk into the kitchen, Niall whistles.

"Niall!" I squeal, hitting his arm with my elbow.

He winks at me and bursts into laughter. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! You look beautiful and when I make some kind of remark you blush," he replies, a huge grin taking over his features. "You better enjoy these pancakes, because I don't cook for just anyone," he adds, pointing the spatula at me.

I bow. "Why thank you Sir," I grin.

He frowns.

"Payback, babe," I giggle, using his accent.

He raised his eyebrows at me, but didn't say anything back. Instead, he handed me a plate of pancakes. I took a bite; the chocolate chip pancakes were delicious. I have to say, Niall is quite the cook. How did I get so lucky?

"Thanks so much for the pancakes, Niall," I smile as I put my plate in the dishwasher and wash my hands.

He flashes me a smile. "Of course." He turns around. Before I could ask what he was doing, he turns back around and flicks pancake batter onto my nose.

"Oh no you didn't!" I yell. He takes off and runs around the room. "Niall, I will kill you!"

I chase him around the room, but he's too quick for me. Seeing he has a good lead on me, he sprints toward the bedroom. I run faster, but couldn't make it in time. He closes and locks the door.

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