Connor x Reader | Matter of time (Light angst)

Start from the beginning

"Having a god complex?"
I continued to annoy him, causing Gavin to laugh.
"Having a death wish?"
The person asked, walking up closer to me before turning his back to me. The person had a mask on, being clothed in all black.
"I think you're watching already, aren't you?"

"He's.. broadcasting?"
Gavin muttered, observing the person closer.
"Do you think he does it publicly?"

"I can hear you."
The person told us, leading me to reply to him in the obvious.
"Congratulations, you have functional ears."

"You two have a really big mouth, don't you?"
The person remarked while turning his head slightly to me.
"Let's see how long you will last."
The person added, giggling in a somehow.. strange way.

He turned around to face me again, bserving me closely. He took out a gun, lifting it up slowly.
"If you shoot her, you won't only have me as your enemy."
Gavin sneered, looking at the person with anger in his eyes.

"Who said I want to shoot her?"
The person said, moving the gun to shoot into Gavin's direction.
I shouted out, immediately looking at him.
"What do you want?!"
I asked the abductor right after, looking at him in confusion.

"I'm.. fine, (Y/N)."
Gavin spoke up, merely believing it himself as he was looking into my direction.

"Where did he hit you?"
I asked him, looking at Gavin in concern while trying to focus to find his wound.

Gavin replied, causing me to tilt my heard to the side.
"It's not really him I want, it's you."
The abductor remarked, kneeling down in front of me.

"Me? Why that?"
I asked him while turned around to face the camera again.

"The famous android detective is your boyfriend, isn't he?"
The abductor asked rhetorically while looking back at you.

"We have two android detectives."
I informed him.
"Connor, wasn't it?"
He said as he looked into the camera.

"What do you want from him?"
I asked him, starting to feel uneasy. But he ignored me, still looking into the camera.
"Will you save the one you love, or will you let her go?"

He knew exactly that Connor was watching, probably not only him.

"You're really mentally ill, aren't you?"
Gavin remarked, clicking with his tongue afterwards.
"Be quiet. I told you you're not the one I aimed for."

"You're threatening a friend of mine and her boyfriend, I'm not going to-"
Gavin spoke but got interrupted by the abductor slapping him.

"Wait! Stop it."
I demanded.
The abductor looked at me now, moving away from Gavin.

"Why do you want.. No, what do you want from Connor and me?"
I asked him, still being a little bit confused on what connection he could possibly have to us.

"He doesn't deserve you. He's a simple machine, nothing special."
The abductor replied, shrugging his shoulders simply.

"He's alive, just like all the other androids who went deviant. It's in the law."
I contradicted him while looking up at him.

"They will never be. But we will."
"We.. will? Excuse me, I think we are al-"
"That's not what I meant, (Y/N)."

His voice sounded.. more and more familiar to you. Especially after saying my name.

"Stop the metaphors, get to the point."
I remarked impatiently.
"You're the detective, aren't you? Why don't you want to find it out by yourself?"

Detroit: Become Human ❈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now