8: Disaster Date

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My dress was (f/c) that hugged my curves, hiding the ones I'm insecure about and showing off the one's that are perfect to show off (specifically my legs). The dress also spilled out just above my knee so it could spin if I spin and it had a small lace up the sides and the sleeves. It was paired with lacy converse because why wear heals? My hair was just in a normal due as usual, just a little more managed and I had light make up on my eyes up to none.


Now I am at the restaurant called Chef Wang's Grill. From what I heard, they grill in front of you as a show and serve it all pretty and fancy.

"Hello, princess.~"

I turned to see Junkook and my mouth dropped. He was sporting a literal tux up to a bow and he was smiling with his cute bunny look. Agh, I'm going to die.

He looped his arm through mine, a bit too tight. "Come along. I got us the perfect private area." Getting inside, we were led to the back on the balcony, a table in the middle with roses and candle light with a grill a few feet behind, a chef standing there at the ready.

I was too busy gaping at the beautiful scene to noticd the hand wrapped around my waist that led me to a chair and pushed in. Once I was out of my trance, Junkook spoke up. "So do you like it? What would you like to eat?"

I frowned. "I love it... It's just too-" I was cut off by Jungkook's cold stare and I immediately shut up about it. "I love it, Kookie."

He grinned. "Perfect. I love the nicknam-"

He was interrupted by my phone. I flinched at his stare and decided to ignore it. Jungkook smirked and ordered for us as we watched the chef prepare and cook the food.

I felt contact with my hand and looked up blushing as I noticed Jungkook now stared into my eyes. My heart was literally pounding against my chest. What was happening. This was way to soon. His face was nearing mine by the second. Just as I felt a faint brush of lips, a loud ring of Agust D came from my phone.

I yanked my head back, face flaming a dark red. I should probably pick up. I picked up to hear Raine's worried yet panting breathe. Aish, this man. "I'm okay, Ra-"

My phone was yanked away and thrown on the grill, now electrocuted and burning away. I just sat there for a fee seconds processing what just happened.

I turned to the fuming Jungkook, my anger building. "What the hell, Jeon Jungkook!?"

Jungkook smirked, growling out. "I like how you scream my name out, princess. You should do it more. Unlike the male you were just talking to.... Raine was always the one to get in the way. Maybe I should just end him like I did that slut, Sarah."

My eyes flashed in even more angry. "How dare you!? You have no right to sit here and yell st ke that way then threaten my best friend as if I wasn't just sitting here? And I don't know much about Sarah, but I know she was most definitely not a slut if she dated Raine. So you know what, Jeon Jungkook? Fuck off!"

I got up from my chair which fell on the floor. I stormed through the hall and I was halfway there when I felt my arm yanked back and My body landed against a rock hard chest and my heart pounded in anger and fear. "Let go, Jungkook.

"No, princess. Let me explain, please. Don't go.

"No! Let go!"


I gasped when I felt a stinging red pain in my cheek as I grabbed it and tears started to stream down my face. "How dare you, Jungkook? I hate you and your whole entire group! I hate all of you!!!"

I stormed out of the restaurant.

* end flashback *

And that's how I ended up hear, face a mess and all torn up.

"Fuck you, Jeon Jeongguk and the rest of your group too!"

"Oh we'd love to, baby girl.~"

I gasped at the response and turned but felt a prick at my neck and my vision darken before passing out, getting a small look of who it was.

Jung Hoseok.


1380 words 😱

Well dang. Hoped you liked the long chapter.
I know it's all over the place, but good none the less, eh?

Credit to my good friend's roleplay name for Raine's new boyfriend: at monody_asswipe on Kik. Major fan of BTS and roleplay. Really well at insane and Yandere. Muse Jung Hoseok.

Oh and the reason I don't put in pictures a lot is because I want you to use your imagination, if you're even reading the author's note. I want this story to be like an actual book to read, even if it's a fanfic. Please understand. Of course, I'll add pics every now and then.

Anyways. Here ya go.

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Disaster Road: Yandere BTS x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin