Entry #16

138 7 10

Dec. 10, 2038
5:11 p.m.

*Shopping Queen logged in*

*Shopping Queen changed Coraline's name to La Reina*

*Shopping Queen changed Markus' Muse's name to GBF*

So. It's been a long week of suffering for all of us. Any updates as to when we might be getting these weird features removed? Anyone?

*La Reina logged in*

Hey babe!

(Heya! Connor and I have been trying to convince Me. Kamski to undo the "updates." Even Chloe's been advocating for us, but sadly, no dice.)

Damn. This sucks.

(I know, I'm sorry. We're trying our best! >_<)

*Just Josh logged in*

it's ok, we're lucky that you're even still trying.

Holy shit look who's finally logged back in after like a month! 0_0

oh hush.

*Drama King logged in*

*Conkus/Noraline Stan logged in

(Goodness, it's turning into a party in here!)

- Ayyyyy! -

(How's it going, Simon? It's been a while.)

- Pretty good. Everyone's hating on the new features, but I think they're entertaining. -

you would....

/Hey Coraline, quick question!/

(Fire away.)

/Do you have any idea why Sumo always growls at me and only me whenever I come over to the house??/

(Lol. Hank thinks it's because Sumo is very attached to Connor, so he sees you as a rival for Connor's affection.)

Wow, first the brother, now the dog. Who knew dating Connor would make you gain so many enemies? Lololol


(At least you're not a dog lol. I don't think I'll ever see such as deep look of betrayal again as the one Sumo wore when Connor came home with the smell of another dog he'd met earlier.)

- Wow, I didn't realize cheating on your pet was an actual thing. Guess I know now!  ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ -

*GBF logged in*

ayyyyy, look who's here!

- All we need is Conan, and we'll have the whole squad logged in at the same time! -

you right!

Good afternoon, everyone! :D

/Heya, how's the most badass android in the world doing? ;)/

I think North is doing well, but you may want to ask her just to be safe.


/.....Did I say badass? I uh, meant to say, uh, hottest! How's the hottest android in the world doing?/

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