231 9 1

Nov. 18, 2038
11:26 p.m.

*Unknown logged in*

Am I in???


Holy shit. I'm in!

*Unknown changed name to Queen of the North*

Ha ha! Now all your dirty little secrets are ours, Connor!

Oh... wait... I didn't add the others yet... whoops.

*Unknown logged in*

*Queen of the North changed Unknown's name to Simon Says*

*Unknown logged in*

*Queen of the North changed Unknown's name to I'm Not Joshing You*

*Unknown logged in*

*Queen of the North changed Unknown's name to Plastic Jesus*

........Umm, hellooo?!

- Hello? -


- This is Simon. North, is that you? -


josh here. what's going on?

- Is this a kind of group chat? :D -

Ha ha, not really. This is Connor's diary. I hacked it so we all have access to it from our own mobile devices! >:D


/North..... the whole point of owning a journal is to be able to record one's  PRIVATE feelings. Why would you give us all access?/

I'm going to assume that's you, Markus. Relax, it's just a little prank. Don't you think it'll be funny when Connor logs in and realizes that we know all his secrets?


- Not really.... -


- Hmm, how weird...-

what's up?

- Who's Daniel? And why does the thought of him make Connor not want to look at me? :( -

/Simon, did you read his entries?!/

- Just a bit of the second one. It's not like there's anything super juicy here yet. -

i guess now we know why north had an "odd expression" when she returned connor's journal.

/Josh, you too?/

it's not like we're reading a list of his kinks or something. it's actually kind of interesting to live today through connor's eyes.

See? I told you this would be fun. :)

/I still don't like this. But I guess what's done is done; you've already added us in. I just hope Connor isn't too upset when he logs in and sees all this.../

*Plastic Jesus logged out*

- I can't believe you named him "Plastic Jesus" lol. That's hilarious! -

Ikr?! Don't worry, he'll come around once he sees that this is just a harmless little prank!

are you sure this isn't just your way of spying on connor?

Of course not! If I wanted to spy on him, I would've chosen a much sneakier method.

sure lol. talk to you guys tomorrow.

*I'm Not Joshing You logged out*

- I do hope Connor isn't too mad... -

Relax, Simon. Hey, if we all get closer talking like this, maybe you can ask Connor why he won't look at you yourself!

- Maybe, assuming he doesn't immediately throw the journal away tomorrow. Goodnight, North. -

Night, Simon.

*Simon Says logged off*

This was a great idea. They'll see. It's just a prank. I wouldn't go out of my way to hurt Connor for no reason, I swear.


Please don't be mad, Connor!

*Queen of the North logged off*

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