Entry #8

143 6 1

Nov. 24, 2038
7:24 a.m.

*She logged in*




I can't stop laughing! I think I'm crying.

Omg I'm actually crying.

Connor, my dear, my child, you are amazing. Oh, how I wish I was there to witness the glory that was you making a douchebag cop faint from the cringe of dead memes....

*She changed Connor's name to A True Legend*

But to be clear, please never dab in front of me, or I'll be forced to kill you myself. Okay? :)

Oh sweetie, it warms my servos and circuits that you fear me, as you should. Everyone should fear me, cuz I'm a badass queen that takes no disrespect from anyone bitches!!!

Also, don't worry about what you're gonna buy, honey. You just buy whatever you can get your hands on. If you see a waffle iron on sale, you grab it. If you see a bundle of oversized sweaters on the display table, you better grab it. It'll be fun, I promise!

*Simon Says logged in*

- Omg that was incredible Connor. Who knew you would be a meme lord? XD -

#We Stan a Robotic Legend

- Preach it, sister!

And North's right btw, Black Friday is going to be fun! Chaotic and intense, but fun! -

Hell yeah!

5:30 p.m.

*Plastic Jesus logged in*

/Has anyone seen Connor?/

- I haven't. -

No, why?

/The last time we spoke, he expressed an interest in art, so I offered to give him painting lessons. He was supposed to meet me in my office an hour ago and we would go to Carl's studio, but he never showed up. :(

Josh is checking the camera system just to make sure he didn't come here and something happened to him... I'm worried./

- Relax, Markus. I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe he just forgot? -

Yeah, that's unlikely. There's a higher chance that he got intimidated by the idea of going on a date with Markus and just chickened out.

/Painting lessons are not dates, North./

They are if you f**k afterwards.

/N O R T H,  N O./

N O R T H,  Y E S.

- N O R T H, Y E S. -




- YES IT IS. -

*Just Josh logged in*

guys, you're gonna want to hear this.

/What'd you find?/

i checked the security cameras, and they show connor entering the building at about 4:30 like you said he would. he got on the elevator, but then the elevator camera cuts out, and when it comes back on, he's gone!


- Where'd he go???? -

i don't know, i can't find him on any other camera...

/We need to find him. He could be in trouble! Everyone, spread out, check everywhere! He must still be in the building./

on it.

- Gotcha. -

/I'm going to call Hank, let him know what's happening. I swear, if someone's hurt Connor..../

We'll find him, Markus. Calm down.

/I'm trying to, dammit./

9:58 p.m.

Did.... Did anyone else see what I just saw???

- What did you see? -

Either I'm short-circuiting, or I just saw two Connors and a female Connor just walk out the door....


you're not malfunctioning... i just looked at the cameras.... that really just happened....


- I think I need to lie down.... Fill me in tomorrow morning... Goodnight... -

*Simon Says logged off*

me too.... i'm too stressed to think about this. i'm calling it a night.

*Just Josh logged off*

/What the hell is going on....?/

Why don't we call Connor tomorrow morning? I think we all need to just chill for a while before we try getting answers out of him....

/....You're right./

Of course I am. Get some rest, and we'll figure this out in the morning. Goodnight Markus.

/Goodnight North./

*She logged off*

*Plastic Jesus logged off*

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