Entry #9

162 10 2

Nov. 25, 2038
6:45 a.m.

*Plastic Jesus logged in*

7:30 a.m.

*She logged in*

Markus, what the hell are you doing up so early?

/I couldn't sleep last night without knowing that Connor was safe, so I called him. He finally answered, and told me that he was alright. I demanded to know what happened, but he wouldn't tell me. Said it was too crazy to explain over a call. He said he would explain it all here today, so I'm waiting./

Christ, Markus. Sitting there staring at your phone like an evil mastermind isn't gonna make him log on and explain faster.

/Watch me./


/Ok, I'll stop.../

Thank you.


*Plastic Jesus logged off*

*She changed Plastic Jesus' name to Worried Lovebird*

*She logged off*

12:00 p.m.

*A True Legend logged in*

........I'm so sorry I made you guys so worried, especially you, Markus.

I know I owe you all an explanation, and I'm prepared to give it now. I know this is going to sound crazy, but then again, this entire month has been the definition of crazy. Ok, enough stalling.... here we go.

So, I arrived at the Jericho HQ to meet Markus as we planned. When I boarded the elevator, however, I immediately heard the voice again. This time though, she sounded as if she were crying. Without any distractions, I finally managed to open my end of the connection.

"Hello? Are you alright?"

"Oh my God, you can hear me?!" I could feel the relief seeping into her voice.

"Yes, I can. Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not - We're not. We're trapped."


"Yes, 'we.' There's two of us."

"Do you know where you are?"

"No, I don't, not really. I think we're in a storage room of some kind."

"Can you hear anything outside the door?"

"No, it's always silent. But I can always hear faint noise coming from above."

"You might be on the bottom floor. Hold on, I'm coming."

"Thank you, thank you Connor!!!"

I didn't question how she knew my name at the time; I just focused on trying to get to her. I'm not quite sure why I hacked the elevator camera before I changed my destination, perhaps it was just habit from doing secretive or potentially dangerous missions. I apologize for that.

When I reached the bottom floor, I felt a wave of nostalgia hit me. Judging by the dust, and the body of the "Connor" that tried to kill me and Hank propped up in a sitting position against the wall, it was safe to say that no one had been down there since I freed those androids that night.

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