Chapter Twenty Two: A lot can happen in a year

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June 1, 2019


"That robber from last year is at it again." Chris looks up from the newspapers. "No fence, Chris, but I really don't care. He never breaks into houses anyway." Dan speaks up, shoving a sandwich in his mouth. Chris shrugs and turns the page. "London, huh?" PJ asks as I put my new galaxy coat on. "Yep." I let the "p" pop. We wanted to go on a nice trip for our one year anniversary until we realized I can't leave the country without a passport and I can't ask for one because I'm not even in the system. So, after me feeling guilty and Dan convincing me that it's okay, we decided to still make a trip but to stay inside the country. We were yo-yoing between a few days to London or a few days to the beach. Eventually we went with London. Dan grabs his suitcase and walks to the door. "You guys have fun, alright? I expect pictures!" Sophie demands from her chair at the kitchen table. "Will do!" I wave at her and Chris before following Dan to the door. PJ gives Sophie a kiss before grabbing his car keys since he's driving us to the station. We get in the car, suitcases already in the trunk thanks to Dan. "I honestly can't believe it's already a year since I found you lost in the station." PJ looks at me for a few seconds since I'm sitting shotgun. "Hmm, me neither.  Never knew how simple my life without memories was." I reply remembering the first time I sat in this car. The way I waited for the door to open like they do in my time, how I had no idea how a phone worked. How PJ asked if I had lost someone and I replied with "I think so". The heart remembers more than the brain. That's what he said and it was true. My heart remembered the loss of my older brother when my brain didn't. "My vision on the world definitely changed over the past year." PJ chuckles then. Out of everyone, he was the most intrigued and enthusiastic to hear about the future and time travel. He came along to the photobooth countless times to try and figure it out with me. We never actually did though. Hence why I'm still here. I start reflecting on the past year as I look outside the window. How confused and scared I was at first only to slowly find my place here. I sigh softly to myself when I remember how I freaked out upon remembering everything. I definitely could have dealt with that a lot better. I still wonder about my parents and Martyn and everyone I've left behind. Some days are so much harder than other, but my friends and especially Dan, are always there for me. Just like I'm always there for them. I may be stuck here, I may have lost my family and friends at home, but I've found myself a new one. It's little and definitely not perfect, but it's mine. And I wouldn't know what on earth I'd have done without them the past year. We had so many fun times too. From sitting at home playing games or watching movies, to going out and exploring everything there is to see in this small part of the universe. A lot of things aren't special to the boys anymore. Like the park, or the train station, or a mall or even smelly, crowded buses. It's all incredibly special to me though. I've never had or seen things like that. Most things have been replaced or are so outdated that some people barely remember how we used to do it. I don't live that far away from the coast, but I've never been to the beach because it's always way too crowded. I often feel like they don't realize how amazing they have it. There are of course things I do miss from home. My wristband for one. And other inventions that made my life so much easier but haven't been invented yet. The quality of a lot of things can buck me as well. Depending on what it is we're watching I can sometimes burst out laughing over the special effects they think are so amazing. Dan leans forward to squeeze my shoulder, probably sensing what I'm thinking about. I turn my head to look at him from over my shoulder and smile grateful. This year has proven to be the hardest, weirdest but also luckiest year of my life. I kiss his hand before he pulls back and we fall in a comfortable silence as we listen to the car radio. A song from Twenty One Pilots is playing. See, I would never have known things like that before this year. I'm so in thought that before I know it, we're already at the station. "See you guys in a few days!" PJ waves when we take out our suitcases and wave him goodbye before turning around and entering the station. We're taking the train to London, since that's easiest. I still think it's funny how much I use the train and subway in this station while in my time neither exists anymore and it's just a dusty old museum. I look next to me at the boy I so desperately fell in love with and still am. "Excited to sit five hours next to me?" I bump him laughing, suddenly very excited for the little trip we're about to make. Dan pretends to look horrified and I laugh even louder. The five hours actually went by pretty fast. We watched a movie, talked, listened to music and played some games. I stretch my back when we finally get off the train again. "Thank god our hotel is nearby." Dan sighs tilting his head from left to right to make his neck looser again. I hum agreeing. I can't wait to put our suitcases away and head into town to explore everything. "One more 'I spy' game and I would've gone insane as well." Dan then adds. I gasp offended. "You loved it!" I object. "Admit it." I poke his arm teasingly. Dan starts smirking and I know I'm right. He just has to pretend he's above it all, but I know him well enough. He's just as big a kid as I am sometimes. We take a quick cab ride to our hotel. I look around excited at the passing view. I've never been to London before. Not even in my time. It probably looks completely different, but that doesn't take away my excitement over it all. When the driver pulls up in front of our hotel, I thank him and give him his money while Dan takes our suitcases out of the trunk. We head inside and are greeted by a kind, older man. "Hello, reservation for Daniel Howell." Dan notifies the man who looks up smiling before looking for his name in the system. "Ah yes, I've got it right here. It's room twenty two on the eight floor." The man gives us a plastic, white card that functions as a key. "Thank you!" Dan takes the card and heads for the elevator. When we arrive at the room my mouth falls open. Instantly forgetting my sore muscles and tired body. "This looks incredible!" I drop my suitcase next to the door as I walk further inside. It's got a king sized bed with white and blue covers. On the nightstand stands all sorts of little things like chocolates and shampoo and even condoms. I smirk and Dan laughs when he sees it. "They should've put lube instead." He notes. I chuckle and continue looking around. There's a massive black TV on a white cupboard right in front of the bed and a blue, fluffy, decorative carpet between the bed and said cupboard. On the left of where we entered there's a big closet to put our clothes in. Dan opens it and we find two fluffy, white robes inside. I lift my eyebrows impressed. Dan closes the closet again after stroking the bathrobes to look around more. I walk towards the glass wall that opens to the balcony. On said balcony there are houseplants, fairy lights, a cute metal table and two chairs with adorable blue pillows on them. I look over at the amazing view we've got. "I can see the Big Ben and the London Eye from here!" I call out to Dan. Warm arms suddenly get wrapped around my waist and I feel his face pressed in the crook of my neck. I giggle softly when his breath tickles and lean back against his chest as we both look over the busy city. "Thank you for taking me here." I turn around in his arms to look up into his eyes. My fingers tracing one of the dimples that's created by his beautiful smile. "Anything for my baby." Dan replies, leaning closer to press his lips on mine. I hum pleased as I kiss him back. This is the dream, isn't it? Kissing my beautiful boy on the balcony of a fancy hotel while looking over one of the most famous cities in the world. We eventually break the kiss, only to rest our foreheads together and drown in each other's eyes as we smile goofy at one another. My god, do I love this boy with whole my heart. "Let's get something to eat and explore the city." Dan whispers, not looking away. The corners of my lip curl up and I nod, letting him go and walking back inside. "Fish and chips." I declare. "Going straight for the clichés are you?" Dan laughs, following me. I see him debate sitting down on the bed only to walk past it and put our suitcases in the closet to unpack later instead. I shrug. "I like it." I do plump down on the bed though, immediately distracted with how soft and comfortable it is. "You should sit on the bed! it's super comfy!" I exclaim, hopping up and down. Dan bursts out laughing. "Did you hear any word of what I just said?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nope, sorry. But you really need to try the bed!" I repeat myself. Dan sighs and rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face reveal that he's not actually annoyed. He jumps on the bed next to me and his expression quickly changes. "That is comfortable!" He agrees, falling back so he's staring at the ceiling. "Oh dear. Phil, the lights." He points. I let myself fall on my back as well to look at what he's pointing too. "It's going to look like stars!" Dan turns his head to me excited. I look at him as well. "I see my star every day." I whisper. Dan pinches me before giggling softly. "You're so cheesy and you don't even like cheese!" He insults. "Hey, you love it." I point at him knowingly. He chuckles, a blush invading his cheeks. "Alright." He admits, trying to seem cool and unbothered. I can't have that. I swing my leg over him, straddling his lap as I loom over him. He gulps as he looks up at me flustered. Better. I smirk as I pin his arms above his head and lean down to kiss his neck. Dan shivers under my touch but cranes his neck to give me more access. "Good thing we brought our own lube, huh?" A smirk present on my face when I see the goosebumps forming from my breath tickling his sensitive skin. Dan rolls his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks up at me with what I can only describe as lust clouding his deer like, brown eyes. I capture his lips with mine before rolling off him and the bed. "As much as you look like a snack, I do really need actual food." I extend my hand to pull him upright. Dan huffs. "I'm not a snack. I'm the whole damn meal." He sticks his chin out and I burst out laughing. "That you are, Dannyboy." I reply and Dan starts laughing as well, taking my hand as I pull him up. I kiss him tender before letting him go again and turning to the door to leave and head into the city.

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