Chapter seventeen: Family quality time

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December 18th, 2018


"What if they don't like me?" I ask nervous when we're waiting for the train to arrive at our destination. "They'll love you." Dan replies, taking our suitcases down from above our heads. "But what if they don't?" I ask again. He looks at me, handing me mine. "They will." He repeats. "But-" "My grandma already loves you, the rest will follow." He interrupts me. "But she never actually met me. What if she expects me to be some kind of buff, manly man?" I ask him as we walk towards the doors to wait. "Do you think I look like a buff, manly man?" Dan asks over his shoulder. "No." I reply. He looks over his shoulder again. "I don't like how quick you replied to that, but anyway the point is indeed: no. So my grandma won't expect anything. Besides she knows how you look like." He replies. I let out a shaky breath. I could barely sleep last night because of the nerves of meeting Dan's family. I often wanted to chicken out over the past days and just stay home over the holidays. But just like now, Dan was there to reassure me that everything will be fine. "Don't worry, Phil. I'm still there as well. I won't leave your side." He kisses my cheek when we stand still in front of the door behind some other travelers. "Thank you." I say with a small, lopsided smile. The train stops and the doors open. The second of calmness that I experienced quickly vaporizes and turns into anxiety again. We walk out of the train and a little further on the platform to not stand in other people's way. Dan looks at his phone and groans. "Mum and dad aren't at grandma's yet so we'll have to walk. It's not far, but still, I hate walking with suitcases." Dan holds up his phone as if to demonstrate he got a text and that's how he knows that his parents won't pick us up. "That's alright, gives me some time to calm down a little." I chuckle nervously. Dan grabs my hand and squeezes it softly. "I thought I was the socially awkward one." He jokes. I pull my hand back. "You're not the one meeting MY entire family." I huff. Dan softly laughs, clearly enjoying how nervous I am. "I know, baby, but you'll be fine. Besides it doesn't matter what my family thinks because I love you." He grabs my hand again. I look down at it. "I guess you're right." I mumble. Dan smiles widely and swings our hands between us as we descend from the platform and walk towards the exit. "Do you think PJ is just as nervous to meet Sophie's parents in a few days?" I ask him. "Definitely, probably worse even." He replies. I'm not too sure about that considering how well PJ is with people, but I like how Dan tries to make me feel better. 

"Dan! Oh sweetheart, it's been too long. Did you get here safely?" Dan's grandma opens the door and pulls him in a hug and smacks a kiss on his cheek. "Always gran." Dan smiles hugging her back. I take his suitcase before it can fall on the ground. I chuckle softly at how cute he is with his grandma. "Is that Phil?" His grandma then asks, pushing Dan out of the way so she can see me properly. "Hi." I smile friendly at her, a little stuck because of the two suitcases I'm holding. She grabs one and shoves it in Dan's hands. "How are you, darling?" She asks, pulling me in a hug as well then. "I'm doing well, ma'am. Thank you." I reply politely. "That's wonderful. Now come inside, darling before you two freeze to death." She gestures at the open doorway. We shuffle past her with our suitcases when a dog comes barking in the hallway. "Hello, little guy." I talk to the little, long haired, brown grey dog. Colin comes sniffing at the hand I stick out to him. He then looks up at me and I pet him quickly. "Good boy." I grin widely as the dog wacks its tail happily. "Dan dear, you've really outdone yourself with this one." Dan's grandma speaks up. I stand upright again and look behind me where they both look at me with a smile. I chuckle nervously, feeling my cheeks heat up as I look back down at Colin who's now sniffing my suitcase. "I know, grandma." Dan says with a crooked smile. "He's one of a kind." He adds. I start to blush slightly. I don't think he realizes how much it means to me for him to say something like that in front of his family. His grandma smiles from her grandson to me. "I can see that, yes." She replies. "Well, come on, come on. Grandpa wants to meet this one as well." She adds, chasing us out. Dan walks past me, kissing my cheek as he does. A smile invades my face as if it's the first time he kissed me. I guess everything feels more special here. I follow him to the living room where his granddad is reading his newspaper in an armchair, feet on the table. Colin lays down under his legs now. "Dan! You're the first! That's a first on its own!" His grandpa lays down his paper and pushes himself upright to come greet us. Dan puts his suitcase down and I do the same. "Hey, grandpa." Dan chuckles, hugging him just like he did his grandma. "This is Phil." He points at me and his grandpa smiles widely as he comes walking to me. "I've heard. How are you, son?" He sticks his hand out. "I'm alright, sir. I'm grateful that I could come along." I shake his hand briefly. "I hope your family isn't upset that we stole you from them this Christmas?" His grandma comes standing next to us. I look at Dan before I look back at his grandparents. "Uh, no, they, uh" I start stammering. "They're on a trip, looking for the sun." Dan quickly saves me. I smile grateful at him. "Oh, then I'm glad Dan finally took you along. No one should be alone during Christmas." His grandma lays her hand on my shoulder and I smile politely at her. "Thank you." I tell her. "If you don't mind grandma we're going to put our stuff upstairs and freshen up. We've been on the train for three hours straight." Dan takes my hand and pulls me from between his grandparents. "Of course, dear. Make yourself at home." She smiles. I pick up my suitcase and follow Dan up some stairs, waving them goodbye. I look around, there are five doors. How are you supposed to know which rooms lies behind which? Dan clearly doesn't have any problem with that as he confidently strolls towards the one on the far right. I follow him inside the room. It has an orange pink interior, old, even for this time, furniture and several old pictures and artworks scattered everywhere. "This used to be my aunts room, then it became mine whenever I slept over." Dan explains as I look around fascinated. "This could belong in a museum." I note, picking up a picture of a blond, curly boy. I squint my eyes at it, the little boy has something recognizable. "Don't tell grandma that, she'll quickly change her mind about liking you." Dan laughs, taking the picture out of my hands. "Don't look at mini Dan." He adds putting the picture back. "That's you?" I grab the picture again. I knew I recognized him. "But you're blond!" I exclaim. "Yeah, I honestly don't know how I went from this to this." He shrugs pointing at his dark brown curls. I look at the picture for a few more seconds with a goofy smile before putting it back. "Do you think your grandparents really like me?" I ask, sitting down on the wooden double bed. Dan walks over to our suitcases and already takes some stuff out like my pillow. "If that wasn't obvious then I don't know what you're looking for." He replies. My smile grows wider. "I swear, be your angel bean self just a little more and they'll probably switch me with you in their will." He adds, taking out his phone charger. I laugh. I can't imagine that. They seem to love him way too much to ever consider switching him with anyone. He finally plumps down next to me and I let myself fall backwards on the mattress. He copies my move and we stare at the ceiling with some creaks in. He grabs my hand and starts fumbling with it. "I wouldn't say no to a nap to be honest." I admit. "Me neither, waking up before nine is inhumane." Dan agrees, yawning. 

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