Chapter twenty: Happy new year!

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December 31th, 2018


"It's snowing!" Chris comes bursting in the room. Dan and I both look up at him startled. "Okay, and?" Dan asks. "And? It's the first snowfall this year, on the last day of the year. Let's go outside!" He replies as if Dan is brain damaged. "I'm doing a live show." Dan points at the laptop on his lap. Chris falls down on his knees and leans over the bed until he's in the shot. "You guys, it's snowing. Get from behind your computers so I can take me friends outside." He addresses the audience. I managed to stay quiet this entire time, but I can't help but chuckle now. Dan pushes Chris out of the shot. "I'll come in like ten minutes or so, alright?" He promises. Chris looks at me and I stick my thumbs up to let him know that means me too. "Cool, see you guys outside. PJ, Sophie and I are already going." Chris turns around and leaves again. I look at Dan who subtly looks at me as well. The corner of my lips curl up as I grab the book I was reading back up. "Yes, that was Chris, but no I'm not at his house. I'm actually at PJ's." Dan replies to a question I can't see. "Chris said: 'friends" plural. Who else is there?" Dan reads out loud. He lets out a chuckle. "Did he now?" He teases. I smirk up at him before looking down to read again. "The entire chat is now full of people asking who's in the same room as me. Tjeezes you guys are reluctant to leave it like it is." Dan laughs. I chuckle as well. "'Is it Phil?' Someone asks." Dan looks up at me cheeky. "I don't know. Is it?" He turns his laptop screen towards me. I look up startled from my book. "H-hey guys!" I stammer, holding up my hand. Dan laughs as he turns the laptop back to himself. "He's reading a book." He announces, looking at the chat during a few seconds of silence. "Dannie101 asks what book you're reading, Phil." Dan looks over his screen at me. I figure the cat's already out the bag so I crawl just in view. "The darkness rising trilogy!" I tell them holding up the second book of the trilogy, keeping my finger between the pages I'm at. I chuckle at Dan then before sliding out of view and reading at the foot end of the bed. "'Is it a page turner?' I think so. I haven't read it myself yet. But Phil can't put it down so." Dan replies to another question. "It's the second trilogy." I tell him without looking up. "What?" Dan asks. "It's the second trilogy of this universe. You should read the other one first." I look up, blinking surprised when I see he turned his screen toward me again. I giggle, looking up at him before addressing the audience again. "In the first some kids with freaky powers escaped from the people who controlled them and experimented on them and in this one it's somewhere else, a different project also about teens with freaky powers. Well, I say powers but it's more like they're mythical creatures like witches and werewolves. If you're into that kind of stuff I definitely recommend! I finished the first trilogy in three days." I tell them with an excited smile. Dan turns his laptop around again. "He's not exaggerating. He really did that. That's like a book a day for the slow mathematicians." Dan tells them. "How was your Christmas? Did you visit your family again?" Dan reads. "I did. It was fun. We did cool stuff like miniature golf and played a lot of Mario Kart. It was fun seeing Colin and my grandma again." He replies, carefully leaving me out of the story. Sometimes it gets hard to hide it because we rather yell it of the rooftops to everyone, but I've seen how obsessed some of them already are without the confirmation. There would be no chill whatsoever if we really came forward with it. "What are you and Phil planning for tonight?" Dan reads, frowning at the screen. "What makes you think I'm going to do something with Phil?" He asks. "Maybe the fact that you're in my house gave it away." I say, not looking up from the page, frowning and biting my tongue when something goes wrong with the characters of the story. "Shut up, you're so sassy when you're reading." I don't react, instead flipping the page. "And deaf." Dan adds stomping me with his foot. I blink up startled. "What?" I ask falling out of the sky. Dan chuckles. "This guy, I swear." He makes a 'can you believe this guy' face at the camera. "What was I talking about? Right plans for tonight. So Phil, PJ, Sophie, Chris and I are going to this party. I know how unDan of me." He continues. I snicker under my breath before focusing on the story in my hands again. He talks some more about all sorts of random stuff his fans ask him about. Some people might find it boring to just sit there while their boyfriend is busy with something else, but I like it. I can peacefully read my book while hearing Dan's voice on the background. I don't need to touch him or actually do stuff to be happy. Just sitting in the same room doing our own thing is already perfectly fine for me. "Philip Michael Lester, if you don't drag that lazy ass son of a bitch of a boyfriend of yours downstairs right now, I will eat the last of the cereal." Chris yells from downstairs threatening. I stand up and walk to the door while Dan laughs his ass off. "Cereal is a very important thing in this household." Dan explains the viewers as I swing the door open and stick my head out to yell back at Chris. "You wouldn't dare! I'd hide all your DVDs!" I yell back. "Oh, don't think that would stop me!" Chris points at me from downstairs. "It's the first and last snow of the year. That's like snowception!" He flings his arms around dramatically. I laugh at how serious he's being. "Alright, alright!" I wave his concern away, looking over my shoulder. "Hey, Dan, how much longer do you think-" I stop when I see him look through the chat with horrified eyes. I crouch beside the bed to see what upset him this much. I gulp when I see how everyone's talking about how Chris called Dan my boyfriend. I start laughing very loud and obnoxious as if it's super funny to me. Dan frowns at me confused, but I don't even look at him. I address the audience, pretending to stifle the fake laugh. "Don't you guys know Chris by now? He always jokes that we're a couple because we're so close. He even came up with Phan before any of you did." I laugh again. Dan seems to understand my intentions now and chuckles as well. "If everything that comes out of Chris's mouth would be true than I'm afraid PJ is cheating on him with Sophie." Dan adds. I laugh genuinely this time. "Or that monsters are real." I add looking at how Dan starts to relax again. "Sorry to burst your bubble." Dan shrugs at the camera. "I do really need to steal him away from you guys or I won't have breakfast tomorrow." I look from the screen to Dan who burst out laughing. "Alright, fine. He's like a five year old." Dan comments about Chris's behavior. I laugh and stand back up. "Bye guys" I wave my hand for the camera. "See you guys next week, probably. Don't worry, I'll announce it when I'll go live again so you're not surprised like this time. Bye!" Dan waves as he turns the camera and the site off. "That was a close call." I giggle. "Thanks for the safe." Dan smiles, putting his laptop away. "I'll always try to safe you." I smirk as I crawl on the bed, looming over him as I hold myself up with my hands and knees. Dan hums. "My lips are dry from all the talking, can you save me from that?" He says with a crooked smile. A chuckle escapes my lips. "I sure can." I whisper, leaning in as I softly kiss him. "You have ten seconds!" Chris interrupts from downstairs. I groan, pulling back. "He just logged off! We're coming down as we speak!" I yell back. Dan smirks as he grabs my chin to give me another kiss. "Let's save those precious cereal of yours." He laughs as I pull back to walk towards the door. "I don't get his enthusiasm. It should have been snowing for weeks now." I throw my hands in the air as Dan puts on an extra sweater. "Really?" He looks at me curious when his head sticks out. I shrug. "Yeah, white Christmas and all that. Beautiful scenery, but difficult to get through. One year it already started snowing mid-October and it didn't stop until late March!" I remember how grumpy everyone walked around that year. You can like whichever season the most, but humans do need sunshine. Dan hums impressed. "A white Christmas is something we gave up on a whole while ago. It usually snows in January and early February but we don't get 'snow snow' every year. Sometimes it just drizzles and melts right away again." Dan explains. "Sometimes it feel like we're from completely different countries." I declare. "If only it was that simple." Dan hooks his arm around mine as we walk downstairs. "Yeah." I sigh. Dan pecks my cheek and I smile softly again. I strap on my shoes and put on the coat I came here with. "Ready?" Dan asks when he zips his long black coat up to his chin. I nod as I look at how Chris is firing snowballs at PJ and Sophie. "Hold on, I have an idea." I stop him from going to the back door, instead leading him to the front door. I let him go to make a snowball with the gloves I bought earlier this month. He looks from me to the house where our friends are at and a light seems to be switched on in his head. "I get it! Great plan." He snickers, making snowballs off his own. We sneak to the backyard, standing still behind an unsuspecting Chris. "Attack!" I yell throwing the snowballs in his neck. Dan follows me and throws his as well. Chris tries to hide away from us, but in the seconds of distraction, Sophie and PJ made new snowballs as well and are throwing at him as well from the other side. Chris bows down to grab himself some snow to defend himself with, but falls forward only catching himself by putting his arms in time. We stop for a split second to see if he's okay. "You'll never get me alive!" Chris yells, throwing another snowball. Instead of making more snowballs, we literally just bury him in the fresh snow. "Truce! I call truce!" He eventually yields. PJ laughs and pulls his friend back upright. Chris wipes the snow off his clothes, only making himself more wet like that. "You look like a human Popsicle." Sophie laughs. "I'm freezing." Chris replies. "What? Freezing from rolling in the snow? How can it be!" Dan laughs sarcastically, throwing one last snowball at the shaking boy. Chris squints his eyes. "Control your boyfriend, Lester." He huffs. I laugh. "So when he does something for you it's 'Dan, your best friend since ever' but when he does something against you it's suddenly 'my boyfriend'?" I question. Chris nods. "Exactly." "I'll have you know that I'm not anyone's anything, I'm just Dan." Dan crosses his arms in front of him and looks away with closed eyes. "Hmm, does that mean I don't have to kiss you when the clock strikes twelve tonight? Because you know you're not anyone's anything and all that." I say innocently. His eyes fly open and he turns to look at me. "You know what I mean!" He replies baffled. "Do I know what you mean, though?" I stroke my invisible beard, thinking. "Shut up." Dan pulls my hand away from my face and kisses me. "You know you do." He adds. I giggle. "I know." I admit, lifting him up bridal style. "What are you doing? Put me down!" Dan start wiggling as I search a spot where there's a lot of snow. "Okay." I pretend to let him go. He swings his arms around my neck to avoid being thrown in the snow. I laugh, sticking my tongue out. I'm just about to really put him back on the ground when Chris stomps us, making me fall forward. I try to let Dan go so he can jump upright, but it goes to fast and I twist my ankle. Everyone laughs, even Dan when he spits out some snow. "Revenge, you got it. Well done." He gives it to Chris who pulls him back up. I try to stand back up as well, but a burning pain in my ankle keeps me down. I hiss as I turn to sit on my butt. "Phil, are you okay?" Dan crouches back next to me. I shake my head. "I think I sprained my ankle. It hurts like hell." I mutter between clenched teeth. "Oh shit, did I hurt you?" Chris looks at me with wide eyes. "It's okay." I mutter. "It doesn't look okay, do you need a doctor?" He asks, guilt audible in his voice. "No, I'll be fine. A painkiller and some ice will do the trick." I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince, him or myself. PJ and Sophie come standing next to me as well. "Can you stand?" Sophie asks, looking concerned. I shrug, extending both my arms for Chris and PJ to pull me upright. The second I try to put weight on it I scream out of pain. PJ catches me. "I take that as a no." He mumbles under the weight of my body. "'m sorry." I whisper, clenching my jaws. The tears stinging behind my eyes from the pain. "I'm taking you to the hospital." Dan tries to pick me up bridal style as well, but I stop him. "No, what if you fall too?" I ask. "I won't, you only fell because you got pushed. No one will push me." He assures me. "I'm so incredibly sorry, Phil!" Chris apologizes again. Hands over his mouth as if he can't believe he caused this. "It's okay, Chris. You didn't intend it. It would actually have been funny if I wouldn't be as clumsy as I am." I reply. Eventually Dan holds me up at one arm and PJ at the other while I clumsily jump on one foot inside the house. They carefully let me down on the couch. "I'm going to take your shoe off, alright? This might hurt." Dan looks at me with worried eyes. I nod softly, biting my lip. Dan opens my shoe laces as much as he can. "Oh, god." Dan whispers when he rolls up my pants a little. "I don't think it's just sprained." He looks up at me a little afraid. Chris comes back in the living room with a glass of water and a painkiller. "Here, take this." He offers. I smile grateful through the pain and swallow the pill. "Remember when I said it might hurt?" Dan asks. I nod. It was literally a few seconds ago. "Maybe I shouldn't do it." He hesitates. "Just do it, please." I beg him. He bites his bottom lip debating it until finally nodding and fumbling at my shoe. I hiss and dig my nails in my upper leg as soon as he touches me. I can see Dan wants to stop, but I shake my head. "Like a band aid" I mutter. He nods and starts pulling at my shoe again. I close my eyes and a tear rolls down my cheek. "I'm so sorry, Phil." Chris mumbles again, biting his nails. The shoe finally comes off and I sigh relieved. I look down at my foot, stomach twisting when I see how bruised and swollen it already is. Dan rolls up my sock a little more to hide the blue/purple skin. "Let's go." He then says, grabbing me bridal style. I hold on to him around his neck, resting my head against his chest. I hiss when PJ puts a bag of ice wrapped in a towel on my ankle. "It's okay, Phil. We're going to the hospital, right now." He whispers, pecking my forehead. Sophie opens all the doors while PJ already goes to start the car. Chris collects everyone's wallets and phones before coming after us. Sophie locks the door while Chris opens the car door for Dan and I. Dan carefully places me in the middle seat. He climbs inside next to me, Chris on my other side. Sophie runs to the car and jumps in next to PJ. PJ drives as fast as he safely can in this weather. I bite the inside of my cheek and close my eyes as I flinch every time the car makes my ankle move. We quickly arrive at the hospital where Dan and PJ carry me inside to A&E. "He broke his ankle we think, where do we go?" Sophie goes up to the desk to ask the woman behind it. "Sit there, I'll call a doctor." The woman replies pointing at the plastic chairs. 

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