Halloween Spin-Off

Start from the beginning

" There's so much candy man! " Aaron exclaimed as he stared at the candy that they took.

" Are you sure that we should took those kids candy? " Cathy asked with unsure tone as she continue, " It's kinda childish and kinda feel bad for taking the candy from them. "

" They're just kids. They can run along and get more candies from their neighbours. " Josh said as he took a bite on the chocolate bar when he noticed that there were needles inside the chocolate bars which causing him to spit out a piece of chocolate out from his mouth and throws the chocolate away. ]

[ " WHAT THE F***?! " ]

[ " Dude, are you alright? " Aaron asked as he and Cathy stared Josh who was shocked.

" Do you think ' I'm alright? ' I just found a f***ing needles inside the f***ing chocolate bars! " Josh growled as the two looked at him weirdly.

" What do you mean, Josh? There weren't any needles in any of the candies. You're just imagining things " Cathy told him.

" Yeah man, yo- " But Aaron was cut of by Josh as he slammed Aaron against the wooden wall that was surprisingly did break. ]

[ " Shut the f*** up, Aaron! I KNOW WHAT I SAW IS REAL AND I'M NOT IMAGINING THINGS! " Josh shouted towards the male.

" So why don't you let me go and YOU'RE BEING A F***ING P****! WHAT ARE YOU?! A F***ING DUMDBASS OR SOMETHING?! " Aaron shouted back as the two of them  were giving each other a murderous glare before the both of them started to beat each other. ]

[ While Cathy just stood in place as she just watched the two males who are beating each other to death.

" G-guys, please stop! " She shouted towards the two males but it was fall into deaf ears as Aaron and Josh continue to beat each other. Unknowingly, there were fogs coming up. ]

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

[ Someone sang as the three teens stopped on what they were doing and turned around, seeing that there were several figures hiding behind the fogs. ]

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

[ When Ja'far who was a werewolf suddenly appeared the in front while his black eyes turned red as he was gazing them with a wide grin. ]

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

[ Until, Sharrkan who was dressed as a noble appeared behind the three teens, the three of them to be surprise before the male who appeared behind took of his head just like the headless horsemen. ]

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