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I put up a vote, and twins seemed to get more than any other so Draco's gonna have twins! Now I got a lot of suggestions on names but I actually pick names at random from a list I have but I will be doing the majority for genders you guys chose, which was male and female. The names will be Madison and Phoenix.


The closer they got to the equinox, the bigger Draco got. And now, only two weeks away from the equinox, from Harry's coronation, Draco's stomach was huge, hinting that there was more than just one child.

"You're insufferable." Draco laughed when Harry tumbled into the throne room he was sitting in. Harry grinned at him as Severus followed behind with a pulsing blue ball floating above his hands. The soon to be King was practicing wandless combat magic.

"And you aren't?" Harry smirked and chuckled before creating a similar pulsing ball and throwing it at Severus, narrowly missing his shoulder. The ball harmlessly dissipated against the wall.

Severus shook his head and scowled. "Guppy, you need to pay attention. We need to train you for the inevitable."

"Mum we've been training non-stop for three days." Harry chuckled again. "Let me have some time with my boyfriend."

"N-" Severus began but something sparkled in Harry's hand that caught his eye. "Very well." The older siren swam up to his son and hugged him. "Good luck." He whispered then swam away. Harry smiled and swam up to Draco before kissing him.

"How's the baby?" He asked softly, lips still against Draco's.

"The baby is fine. It's your boyfriend who isn't due to lack of attention." Draco laughed softly as Harry took his hand and slid a ring onto his finger.

"I don't like the label of boyfriend anymore. Can we change it?" Harry whispered softly as Draco hurriedly looked down at the shell and pearl ring on his left hand. He looked back up at Harry, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Bloody hell, Harry, yes. If you're asking me to marry you, a million times yes." Draco kissed Harry passionately as Hermione swam in.

"Am I interrupting something?" She smiled. Harry laughed and Draco showed her his ring. "Can Luna, Pansy and I plan the wedding?" Hermione squealed, refraining from tackling Draco in an energetic hug.

Draco glanced at Harry before hugging Hermione and nodding. "Go ahead." He whispered in her ear.

"Now what did you want because I can tell you wanted something." Harry smiled as Draco returned to his side.

"Oh yeah, Master Draco? Blaise is here. He brought Professor McGonagall" She frowned. "He isn't in good shape though. Just a warning."

"Where is he?" Draco started to swim forward before stopping. His hands flew to his stomach and his eyes darted towards Harry. The raven haired heir got the message immediately.

"Get Sehiem!" Harry shouted at Hermione, voice unintentionally taking it's triple edge. Hermione darted out of the room looking for the elder siren. Harry floated Draco to the floor, stroking his wings to calm him as he was panicking. Knowing nothing else to do, he started to sing on instinct when Draco wouldn't calm.

That finally calmed the panicked veela. As soft, calming melodies floated about the room Sehiem rushed in with Luna and a midwife siren. All three paused to bow before setting to work.

"Your Majesty, please, don't stop singing, it's calming both the children and your mate but help me move them to an air room. He can't give birth in this form, his body isn't equipped for it." The midwife sighed softly, lifting Draco's tail. Harry nodded and lifted Draco into his arms, swimming towards their room.

When they arrived at the room Harry laid his mate down and sat on the bed beside him, singing still. He focused his eyes on Draco's face as the midwife set to work.


Seven hours later, two soft cries echoed around the air room. Harry looked up and Draco cracked his eyes open, weakly reaching for the two infants.

"There were three..." The midwife began sadly as she handed Harry and Draco their children. "But one was a stillborn. She died in the womb. She'll still be given a royal funeral."

"Give her here." Draco whispered, voice raspy from seven hours of silent screaming. He handed Harry his son and reached for the silent form of his still daughter. The midwife hesitated but handed him her. "Casey. Casey Narcissa Potter." He whispered and kissed her head before handing her back.

"There's no need to name her Your Majesty." The midwife took her gently. She noted the tears sparkling in Draco's eyes and said no more. "I'll go prepare her for a funeral." She whispered and ran out.

Harry sighed softly and handed Draco both infants for him to feed them. "What should we name them?" He whispered softly, voice also raspy from seven hours of singing.

"Madison has always been a good name in my family." Draco murmured. "And Phoenix."

"Phoenix Draco Potter and-" Harry began before he was cut short.

"Madison Luna Potter." Draco blurted. Across the room Luna looked up from where she was preparing beds for the infants. "B-Because Luna is a good friend a-and I want her to be the godmother too. If it's okay with you."

Harry laughed. "I'd say that's a great idea." He brushed his hand over the children's heads. "Phoenix Draco Potter and Madison Luna Potter. And...Casey Narcissa Potter." He looked at the door.

"She'll be okay in the other world." Luna sighed in her dreamy voice. "Her grandfather will take care of her."

Whoa, two chapters, one day. Awesome!

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