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Draco paced half a month later. Or more, swam back and forth. His stomach was growing quickly, Severus said it was because sirens all have birth around the same time. Development rate for infant sirens in the womb depended on the seasons.

In short. Walking hurt right now.

"Where the fuck is Harry, George?" The anxious man demanded, looking at George who had a connection bubble floating beside him. "They should be getting back by now with McGonagall."

"I'm just as anxious as you Master Draco. Fred is with him." George snapped, tapping the connection bubble. "Master Harry, have you located McGonagall yet?"

"Is Draco getting impatient?" The laughing whisper of Harry's came through as a few bubbles escaped the big bubble.

"Both of us." George sighed.

"Alright. We'll come home. We located her. But we can't get to her." Harry replied.

Draco crossed his arms. "Bring me some butterbeer back." He muttered. "And candy quills."

"Anything else Draco?" Harry must've been in the clear because he laughed.

"Muggle pickles." Draco admitted his craving.

Harry snorted. "Alright."

".....Thank you." Draco muttered, red in the face.

"No problem Draco." Harry replied before the line cut out. Draco hid his face.

"Cravings?" George questioned as the man tried to swim away. "Isn't it a little early?"

"I'm developing faster for the spring equinox." Draco admitted. He slowed to swim beside George. "Basically, this baby will come four months early without problems thanks to Harry's siren blood. And it will be healthy too, hopefully." He sighed. "It isn't going to grow up like Harry and I did."

"You've seen Harry's scars then?" George shook his head. "All Dumbleass did was raise Master Harry like a bull for slaughter. Normally Master Harry uses a glamour spell on his scars."

Draco nodded forlornly. "My scars are more mental."

"That must suck." George sighed.

"I wake up screaming sometimes. But, we all do because of the war. Except Luna. She just cries to herself. I've heard her and I worry. She sleeps just outside me and Harry's room." Draco shook his head. "Fred, I've seen him try to go through walls twice. He thinks he's still dead sometimes. Harry, every headache makes him panic even though Tom is on our side. Hermione misses your younger brother but hates him at the same time. We're all a mess."

"Yeah." A soft voice came from in front of them. Luna floated a few feet off. "Sorry for worrying you master Draco." She swam over and hugged him. "I came to tell you and Master Harry the sex of your child but it seems master Harry isn't back yet."

"Its okay Luna." Draco hugged back.

"Draco?" Pansy's voice floated through the water. She had invisible tears in her eyes as she swam over, sobs catching in her throat. "I'm so sorry!" Her short hair was a halo around her head as she hugged the man tightly when Luna moved. "I'm so very sorry! Dumbledore-"

"Its okay." Draco hugged back, tears forming and disappearing in his own eyes as well.

Hermione swam out then, seemingly chasing her, out of breath. "Pansy! What the hell, watch his baby bump!" She scolded as the quick half-siren swept over to her and kissed her suddenly. The older half-siren stopped, frozen for a second, before timidly kissing back.


"Today was eventful." Draco remarked to Harry as they lounged in bed hours later, the pregnant man crunching on some pickles.

"How so?" Harry murmured softly, half asleep.

"Well, George and I talked, Luna told us the sex of our child." He chuckled, thinking of what Luna had said about it.

"I won't tell you the gender of your child because that's up to them. But I'll tell you the sex alright?"

"Pansy kissed Hermione." Draco waved a pickle around. "But after forth year, I don't think that's a surprise." He shrugged.

Harry woke fully up at that. "What?" His voice cracked.

"You didn't know? Pansy's liked Hermione since fourth year I believe. Or no, third was the year she punched me. Right?" He chuckled. "She has a good right hook. But anyway, Pansy tells me everything. So I already knew about her crush."

Harry looked hopelessly lost. And Draco had to laugh.


Sorry it's short its midnight.

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