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Well fuck guys. My votes part has an almost unanimous vote for M-preg and smut. And quite a few people voted. So in one of the next few chapters will be smut. Or one of the next few chapters will just be full on smut. Like, I give people what they want. M-preg will be latter on throughout the book.

Now the above is Tom Riddle. Not in his dracken form. We all know him in his dracken form because that's his canon form


"You can just call me Tom really." Tom Riddle stood in the middle of the air room as his form warped until he looked actually like a person again and his dracken form disappeared.

Draco looked up at him, his eyes shifting from fear to relief to fear again. He sighed softly before kneeling in front of Draco.

"I'm, sorry about how I acted last year and before." Tom apologized as Draco sat up with Luna's help. "I was crazed and I wanted revenge against Albus and it's how my instinct told me to react." He dropped to a sitting position. "Then he killed my nephew and blamed it on me, he took my great nephew from me, I reacted according to instinct and made a mess of everything."

"It's okay." Draco whispered. "I know how protective drackens are of family, Severus told me once when I was younger. So, I understand and I forgive you. Because well," He pointed at where Harry was swiftly striding over to him, a protective stature to his shoulders as he sat beside Draco, pulling the submissive into his lap. He bared too sharp teeth at Tom as a warning and Draco rubbed his arm soothingly.

"Why are you here Riddle? I don't trust you around Draco." The hostile siren hissed. Tom could understand his unease, other than the fact for the recent 'wizard war', Drackens and Veelas normally had a hard time getting along.

"To help. Now that I finally pulled past my grief over my nephew, I want revenge. Destined mate or not he harmed the family who made me one of their own, tore it apart, killed its members, sent you to live with those muggles..." Tom started pacing, a sharp growl erupting from his lips. "I'll fucking tear him apart with my bare hands of I have to Harry. I will feel every last jab of pain he feels but I won't care."

Draco stared at him with wide eyes and Harry's frown lessened. "Fine. I still don't trust you around Draco though. You're a dracken, he's a veela. A submissive veela that's at the moment still healing." He shook his wet hair before looking at Draco's wounds. They'll be finished healing in about two days he guessed. He sighed and pressed his forehead to Draco's, eyes drooping slightly. He hadn't properly slept in days and the veela took notice. "I'm going to move you somewhere that's a lot more comfier than the floor in here. The mermaids prepared another air room specifically for you to sleep in. I need to swim you to it."

"When was the last time you slept?" Draco cupped Harry's cheek. "You look exhausted."

"Three days ago?" Harry replied, it sounding like a question.

Draco groaned. "Take me to this new air room but you're coming with. I don't care what you say you need to sleep. You'll work yourself to death of you don't." He left no room for argument and Harry heard that. He looked at Luna for her to wake Severus up and explain as he lifted the injured man and left.

Harry had created a small pocket of air so Draco could breathe as he swam, working more since Draco's wings were heavy when full of water. the few feathers that slipped off didn't go unnoticed and Harry immediately knew what was happening. "Draco your wings-"

"Its because we haven't properly mated yet. That can wait until later." Draco sighed, pushing himself further into Harry's bare chest. "My wings will eventually adapt to you're environment as will my lungs. After we mated properly but right now you need to sleep. You're exhausted. I can tell you're pulling energy from the water around you, your markings are glowing." Small designs, natural tattoos that all sirens develop, were slowly starting to form across his bicep. He shrugged and busied himself by tracing the intricate patterns with his silver eyes.

Two minutes later Harry carried him through the threshold of a large room with a huge round bed in the center, obviously catered to the needs of Draco's wings. He sat the veela on the bed before sitting down himself, watching the speed Draco's wings dried themselves. He rubbed his hand down his face, rolling his shoulders before Draco shoved him down and laid on his chest, refusing to let him up. "Now sleep Harry." He laid on his stomach, wings spread on either side of them both.

Harry laughed. "Alright. Alright." He laced his fingers behind Draco and settled them on the small of the man's back before closing his eyes, not thinking he'd be asleep until later but falling asleep almost instantly. Draco smiled and kisses Harry's chest before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself, knowing the real reason behind his feathers falling.

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