James and Severus

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((A lot of time skips after the first few parts.))

"Hey Snivellus!" Sixteen year old Sirius Black kicked at where Severus sat on the ground attempting to read. His hair was dripping wet from his recent swim. He looked up quietly.

"Hello Black." He said softly, returning to his book.

"What? Reading about more of the dark arts?" Sirius sneered as he yanked the book from the other boy's hands. "What the hell? Sirens?"

"Yes. Now give me my book back." Severus stood and brushed off his robes, forgetting his wand on the ground. He held out his hand for the old volume.

"Hey Moony, haven't you been looking for a book on sirens?" Sirius ignored Severus and glanced over his shoulder at Remus.

"Yes but all the books on them are in the restricted section." Remus raised and eyebrow. "How did you get one? Snivellus?"

"I brought it from home." Severus growled. "Where's Potter?" He demanded, realizing that James wasn't with the other three.

"Right here." James walked up behind them. "Pads, hand me the book. Or give it back to him."

"Why?" Sirius asked rudely, holding the book up. "What if I want to read it?"

"You don't read for one and secondly, he probably has to read it for class." James rolled his hazel eyes.

"Eh. Let him fail. Deserves it. Bloody snake." Sirius growled.

"He said to give him it or give it back." Severus suddenly growled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Or what?" Remus asked, close to a sneer.

Severus seemed to realize what he was doing and looked at the four boys with wide eyes before dashing off, forgetting his wand and book. James watched him run off before picking up the wand and snatching the book from a stunned Sirius's hand. "Even that was a little to far." He muttered, maneuvering the two items to his one hand.

"What do you mean 'to far', Prongs?" Peter furrowed his brow. "We've gone farther."

"We've never messed with school though." James sighed. "He forgot his wand. I'll meet you guys up at the school later." He jogged off in the direction Severus ran in.


Severus sat by a stream hidden away in the forbidden forest, waving his hand soothingly over it and shaping the water.

"Wandless magic?" James stepped into the clearing, startling Severus and making the water shoot at him in defense.

"Sorry." Severus muttered, looking away.

"How were you doing that? You didn't have your wand. It's right here." James handed the items to Severus.

"You shouldn't be in the forbidden forest." Severus ignored his question.

"And? Neither should you. 'Sides. Have I ever been one to follow the rules?" He smirked.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me."

"Padfoot was being overly mean." James muttered. "We still have a reputation to uphold."

"That's it huh?" Severus sighed defeatedly. He stood. "Well, thank you. But you might want to get back to your friends. Before you get detention."

"Why were you reading that book?" James stopped him before he could leave. "And how were you preforming wandless magic?"

Severus sighed before flicking the book open to a specific page and handing it to the other raven. "Here." He pointed to the one section.

The Water and The Sky (Permanent Hiatus)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu