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The Malfoys landed in front of their manor moments after the four other men apparated there.

"Draco honey, could you show Harry to a room? You can go rest up too." Narcissa smiled at Draco before turning to the men behind her. Draco looked at Harry.

"Well come on Potter. We don't have all day." He tried to sneer but the pain he was in turned it into a simple sentence. They began walking the manor halls, Draco using his wings to keep his balance while Harry looked at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked softly.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" Draco asked, suddenly nervous.

"You're obviously in pain." Harry sighed. "Draco, what's wrong?"

A chill went through Draco when Harry said his name. "I haven't found my mate yet." He murmured. "Mother says its someone from our year and we've already met but everyone hates me because of how I acted. And if a veela gets rejected by its mate the veela dies. I think I can take the pain better than death. Even though it feels like walking on glass." He didn't know why he told Harry all this. He just felt right in doing so. He blamed it on the pull of the siren.

"Interesting." Harry said softly.

"Why do you look like Professed Snape?" Draco blurted. He quickly covered his mouth afterwards. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No. No. I want to answer. Its a long story though." Harry replied. "Is there anywhere we can sit down?"

"My bedroom is right up here." Draco led Harry into his room. There they sat on his bed facing each other with Draco's wings hanging off the foot.

"Well, you know the whole boy who lived story. How my parents died and such by Voldermort? Well apparently only one of them was my parent. The other one was forced to do a blood adoption by Dumbledick. Snape is a submissive siren. And my mum. My dad was James Potter. Dumbledick, I don't know why, put a whole bunch of spells and used potions on me. Um. Hang on a second." Harry dug in his pocket before pulling out the parchment. "Ginny used a love potion on me, Arthur used an appearance potion on me," that earned a gasp from Draco as he knew exactly what it was, "Molly used a memory potion on me, Ron and Dumbledick used a confundion potion on me, Dumbledick also used an inheritance block on me. That one was ineffective."

"So, you're Professor Snape's son?" Draco whispered.

"Yeah. Dumbledick had used a memory potion and love potion on my dad too. Then he threatened to kill me if mum told me he was, well, my mum. I had the wards taken off and when they finished I must've fallen because I saw mum running into the room to catch me. Remus had contacted him." Harry yawned and so did Draco. Slowly their eyelids closed. "Hey Draco, I'll," he yawned, "help you find your mate."

"Th-" Draco yawned. "Thanks Harry." And the two fell asleep with smiles on their faces. Harry shifted a little in his sleep the same time as Draco did and they ended up pushed together, and Draco didn't feel any pain for once since his birthday. Harry unconsciously wrapped his arm around Draco and pulled him as close as possible.


"So you're Harry's mother?" Narcissa asked Severus as they walked through the manor to check on the boys.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but you would've told Lucius somehow and if word had made its way to Dumbledore then Harry wouldn't be he-" Severus stopped at the sight in front of him. They had turned into Draco's room to check on the blonde boy but instead found both curled around each other, Draco's wing curled over him and Harry and his head tucked into the raven's chest.

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