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Severus was about to reply when Harry and Draco walked out of Draco's room still half asleep and unknowingly holding hands. "Oh! You two are up?" Severus shot to his feet, worry still etched in his features. Harry nodded and went to pull his hand from Draco but stopped when the blonde whimpered from sudden pain.

((I'm imagining this as chibis and its to fucking cute!))

"Up for a swim, pup?" Sirius asked cheerfully. Harry smiled and nodded as Draco leaned on him, almost falling asleep again. Harry smiled at him before walking outside with the older wizards and witch, following them to a pond. Harry gently sat Draco at the edge of the water and dove in without hesitation. When he surfaced, he splashed Draco to wake him up fully. It worked but instantly Draco whimpered in pain. Harry darted over to him and placed a hand on his leg to calm him.

"Draco, are you okay?" Harry asked under his breath, concern contorting his features.

"A-A little." Draco stuttered. Harry thought for a moment.

He calms down when around me as long as we are in contact in any way. Maybe, "Draco, dip your feet in the water once." Harry instructed. Draco listened without any fight and Harry left go of him. He didn't let out any whimpers, the pain was almost nothing. Harry swam away and still Draco didn't make a sound.

The four people standing a little ways back watched in shock. Their jaws hung slack as they watched the two males actually get along. They thought that they'd have to do something when really, they don't have to do a thing.

"You're seeing this too right?" Remus mumbled, unable to take his eyes away.

"Yeah. We are." Sirius answered. Narcissa went to move forward but Severus held her back, barely being able to hold back from jumping in the pond with Harry. Said boy looked up and smiled brightly at Severus.

"Come get in mum! I know you want to." He called and Severus didn't think another thing. He ran over, forgetting all dignity,  and dove underwater only to come back up again and hug Harry tightly. "Stop. Please." Harry mumbled, embarrassed. Severus chuckled and backed up. His own black tail flicking back and forth as he swam gently around his son.

((I had almost typed sin there by accident.))

"Harry?" Draco suddenly called. "Ca-Can I s-see y-your tail?" Harry laughed before swimming over and propping his elbows on the rocks at the edge.

"Hang on a sec." Harry smiled and dove under before pushing against the ground enough so his tail broke the surface of the water. He heard Draco ask to touch it, much like how he had asked to feel the feathers of the other boy's wings. So he leaned enough to place the flipper in Draco's lap and instantly felt fingers stroking it and tracing the scales. Finally Harry had to flip again and poke his head above the surface to grin at Draco.

"Its..pretty." Draco had to look away to hide his blush. Harry chuckled and placed his elbows on the rocks, lounging as he watched the other three adults finally migrate over to them. And the six eventually relax enough to start joking around.


The next month was truly chaos. Draco couldn't function without Harry. But both boys were still oblivious, frustrating their families - Sirius and Remus included.

"Come on. We have to get to King's Cross." Narcissa nudged her son and Harry awake. They had once again fallen asleep together and once again unconsciously moved together. Draco woke and looked at Harry before waking him up, the raven waking instantly.

"Okay." Harry let out a small yawn and sat up. "I packed last night." He looked at Draco. "What about you?"

"I did too." Draco shrugged and got off the bed. Harry followed suit, their hands barely brushing but that was enough. Narcissa smiled at them but in reality, she wanted to scream that it was right there.

"Harry? Could you come here a moment?" Severus poked his head around the doorframe. Harry nodded and glanced at Draco once before leaving, and Draco didn't whimper. He bit his tongue as he turned to his mother.

"What is it?" Draco asked, seeing the frustration on his mother's face.

"You are blind. So is Harry. Why do you think that you constantly need to be around each other?" Narcissa sighed.

"He just want to protect me." Draco murmured, not wanting to admit the truth. "He a siren. They protect people around them."

"Do you feel in pain when he's around you, holding on to you?" Narcissa insisted. Draco opened his mouth to protest. "And that includes when he swimming. When you have your feet in the water he's still in contact with you."

"He might reject me." Draco whimpered, coming to the conclusion. "He might treat me like Father did."

"Draco Malfoy. For the past month you two have been literally inseparable." Narcissa raised an eyebrow. "Put your worries away and look Draco. He's always there as soon as you whimper, and he won't leave for a second afterwards."

"I-I guess." Draco whimpered. And like Narcissa said, Harry was there poking his head in the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Draco swallowed and stood, being able to take two steps before being overwhelmed with the pain and falling forward, making Harry rush and catch him. Draco was gasping from the sudden rush of pain. He wasn't sure what had caused it but he knew that as soon as Harry was there he calmed. "Draco, Draco please talk to me."

Draco didn't though. Instead he clutched Harry's shirt and began to cry, thus Harry held him tighter and pressed his face against Draco's hair. "Don't cry. Don't cry. I won't leave you. Never. I promise." Draco calmed down and looked at Harry with wide eyes. "Yes, I figured it out." He laughed. "And don't worry."

Draco buried his head in the crook of Harry's neck and sighed. "T-Thank you." He whimpered.

((Shorter then the others and crappy. Sorry but it was frustrating me. This is a filler chapter. And I forgot to tell you, Dumbledick isn't dead. I need an enemy.))

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