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Harry and Draco stood on platform 9 3/4 hand in hand as other witches and wizards swarmed around them. "Harry! Harry!" Ron jogged over to them. "Oi, Malfoy, you wouldn't know where Harry is?"

"Why would you want to know?" Harry sneered, pulling Draco closer to him.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Ron growled. Making Harry become even more protective.

"Someone who learn the truth about their supposed best friend after coming into their creature inheritance." Harry pushed Draco behind himself and glared daggers at Ron.

"H-Harry?" Ron went white.

"Yes now get away from me and my mate." Harry flashed his teeth, they were sharp and pointed. Ron nodded and scurried off. Then Hermione approached the two. Harry growled.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I don't doublecross." She shook her head. "I overheard you talking to Ronald."

"You weren't mentioned on the parchment." Harry mumbled more to himself.

"Your inheritance parchment? Can I see it?" Hermione grew excited. Harry pulled it from his pocket and handed it to her. Her eyes widened as she scanned it. "C'mon." She grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him in the train with Draco following close behind. They found an empty compartment and slid in. She was about to shut the door when someone stopped it.

"What are you doing with Draco?" Pansy and Blaise watched them warily. Harry growled, sensing hostility in the air, and pulled Draco onto his lap where the blonde snuggled into him.

"Malfoy is Harry's mate, if you can't see." Hermione groaned. Pansy raised an eyebrow before she slid into the seat beside Hermione and Blaise slid beside the boys making Harry hold Draco a little tighter.

"I'm not going to steal him." Blaise said boredly. "I'm not challenging any child of Professor Snape." When Harry looked at him funny he sighed. "Fae. I don't have a set mate."

"So wait, Harry's Professor Snape's son? Does that mean he's your actual Father?" Pansy looked at Harry curiously.

"He's my mum actually." Harry replied.

"How?" Pansy furrowed her brow. "Isn't he a guy?"

"He's a submissive siren." Harry shrugged.

"Wait, siren? Like, the rarest creatures on earth?" Pansy leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Does that mean you're a siren too?"

"Yes." Harry nodded. Draco looked at Pansy pointedly and then at Harry. "I can't help it." Harry looked at him and shrugged.

"Help what?" Blaise turned to look at the two.

"Siren's Pull. It's the primary reason so many sailors died at sea. A siren doesn't even have to be singing to pull people to them." Hermione informed them once again looking over the parchment in her hand. "Zabini isn't effected because he's a fae. Parkinson is just a witch. She is effected way more. I'm actually fighting the pull but its harder on me because I'm a muggleborn. And he can't just turn it on and off Malfoy. Its part of who he is."

"Okay so if Harry's a siren, what is Draco?" Pansy cocked her head to the side, still leaning over the table.

"Veela." Draco spoke up. "I-I'm a submissive."

"Wow, Draco Malfoy just stuttered? Or did my ears deceive me?" Blaise joked making Harry growl. "Okay but really, this is like the weirdest mating combination ever. Harry needs water to survive, at least to swim in it once a day and Draco has wings. Feathery wings. That would drag him down in water. That is a version of, what was that muggle story? Romeo something?"

"Romeo and Juliet?" Hermione offered.

"Yeah that." Blaise leaned back.

"Hey, look at this. Harry is descended from King Alberforth. The king of the sirens." Hermione showed Pansy and then Blaise the parchment. All three looked at him.

"As if he wasn't famous enough." Pansy grumbled.

"I never asked to be famous." Harry mumbled. "I never asked to be in this whole mess with Dumbledork and Voldermort." Draco smiled up at him softly as if to tell him that he understood. "And now I learn I've been lied to my whole damn life? That its all been one huge ass fucking lie?"

"Calm down Harry." Draco cautioned feeling the tension rise in the air. He gently ran his fingers over the back of Harry's hand.

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