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Harry caught Draco as the man held right to him. "What happened?" He asked, confused by Draco's behavior.

Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pressed it against his stomach before looking at Luna. "Not yet, soon. Luna told me. She saw it while we were gone."

Harry blinked before kissing Draco happily. "That's, amazing!" He smiled. Draco laughed before it was cut off by a sharp gasp as he felt a numbness in his feet moving to his waist. Soon the numbness turned to fire and a scream ripped from his throat. Harry was looking down at the man's legs, eyes wide. Draco looked down as the fiery feeling died down.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

A beautiful, light grey shark's fin tail was in place of his legs. Draco swam about in shock, watching it move behind him. The pain from earlier was almost gone by now as he moved.


Time skip, one month.

"Guppy?" Severus swam over to his son. There was a smile on his face, but his eyes had something hidden in them. "I managed to break whatever spell Crabbe had on Pansy."

"That's great-" Harry started.

"At a price." The elder sighed as Pansy swam up behind him, her red-violet tail shimmering. "I had to command her to break free of the spell herself."

"That's fine, as long as, as long as it didn't come to the point where you had to kill her." Harry shook his head as he hugged his mother.

"Four months guppy." Severus whispered as they hugged.

"Kill who?" Draco swam over, the same markings adorning Harry's torso were starting to creep across his slightly bloated stomach and chest. It was still hard to tell he was pregnant, at the moment it only looked like he gained a few pounds. Which was technically right. He stopped at the sight of Pansy. "Harry, did yo-"

"I did. To save her life." Severus cut in. Pansy nodded, not speaking yet. "Otherwise she would've been a threat and I would've had to kill her. I told her to save her voice right now since she was placed under the crucio curse as with imperious curse and had been screaming in pain these past few weeks."

Draco sighed happily and swam forward, going to hug Pansy, but the girl shrunk back, brainwashed slightly from Dumbledore and Crabbe. Draco froze.

"Pansy?" The veela whispered.

"Master Severus, may I go?" Pansy's voice was barely a rasp. Severus nodded and Pansy sped off.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ran right into Hermione, accidentally kissing her on impact.

"MMPF!" Was all Hermione managed as Pansy pulled away. "Pansy?"

"I am so sorry." Pansy apologized. Hermione was confused and the other woman spotted that. "I'm not allowed to be mean to Master Severus's son's servants." She scratched her neck. "And I don't think you ever did anything to hurt me like Malf-"

"Master Draco never did anything to you." It slipped out and the siren didn't take it back.

"Yes he did." Pansy looked away.

"What did you do?" Hermione growled.

"He came at me to hurt me and I ran away." Pansy whispered. A soft growling was coming their way and Hermione recognized it. Pansy ducked behind her.

Harry appeared before his friend scowling. "Pansy, why the fuck did you run away?"

"Malfoy was going to hurt me." Pansy whimpered.

"He was going to hug you. Because he missed you. He never once in his life had intent to hurt you." Harry growled. "But now I'm ready to hurt you did to that stunt."

"No, Master Harry, I think she was just brainwashed. Let me work with her." Hermione stepped in. Harry frowned as Hermione stayed in the way between Pansy and him.

"Fine." Harry sighed. "I'll give you a month. Pansy," his voice took its triple edge, "stay with Hermione for the entirety of the month."

"Yes your majesty." Pansy murmured.


"Mum." Harry swam up to Severus. "Mione is going to be working with Pansy for a month. Sorry, I had to order her to stay with Mione so that I can make sure she gets through to Pansy that Draco never hurt her."

"It's fine Guppy." Severus stepped into the air room Tom was in.

Harry suddenly winced and gripped his left forearm. "Draco." He whispered, zooming through the water to their personal air room. His mate laid on the bed clutching where his dark mark was, in obvious pain. Two agonizing shouts drifted through the water to them.

"McGonagall." Draco gasped, he had tears in his eyes. "She was found out. And Dumbledore is telling us."


It's shorter, sorry.

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