Chapter 18: A Jap, And A Car Ride To Realization

Start from the beginning

Lying to him wouldn't make Kiku or himself any happy.

"Kiku... I'm sorry but... I just... Don't see you in that way." Alfred finally says, the guilty feeling in his gut increasing further.

"Because you see... Even as we were dating I could still only see you as a friend. Actually, anyone I had dated I could only see as a friend. Nothing within me has changed what I think of you so... I'm sorry."

Silence fills the both of them, none exchanging a single word. Then Alfred feels Kiku's grip on his hand loosen.

" it Arthur?" Kiku questions lowly and Alfred shrugs his shoulders. "I... I really don't know. I just don't know how to identify what i feel for him..."

Again, silence fills the whole clinic.

Kiku slowly looks up at Alfred, a small sad but understanding smile on his face, "I understand, Alfred-san. I'm deeply sorry for having misunderstood."

Alfred gives him a small laugh, "Dude, I should be the one who's sorry! You haven't done anything wrong and you're still one of my best friends." Kiku chuckles at that.

"I'm glad, Alfred. Arthur is indeed very lucky to have someone like you in his life." Alfred blushes and gives Kiku a thankful smile. "Thanks, Kiku." Alfred says and Kiku nods at him.

"No problem, Alfred."

Once Kiku had left, the in charge and Elizabeta come back inside. "Alfred, I'm sorry but I'm really busy tonight, with exams and all coming up next month. I can't bring you home so I've contacted a friend to give you a lift."

Alfred nods, thanking her for her help. She nods and wishes him well before heading back out. The in charge places a cold compress on Alfred's stinging ankle but slowly he feels it relieving.

Still, he probably won't be able to practice tomorrow.

Now that he thinks about it... Antonio wasn't at practice at all today. "I wonder where he went."

He dozes off for a bit before a knock is heard on the other side of the clinic door. "Come in." Alfred says and the door opens.

He quickly glares at the person who's entered. "What are you doing here, Gilbert?"

Gilbert smirks at him. "Huh, you look beaten up pretty bad. How's the ankle?" Alfred huffs at him, turning away. "Like you should know."

He hears Gilbert laugh and his irritation only increases further. "Listen, if all you're here for is to irritate me then I suggest you leave because I don't have time for your shit." Alfred bites and he hears a whistle come from the Albino.

"Woah woaah, chill up dude. Your awesomeness is only here to give you a lift home." Alfred's eyes open wide. "Wait, Elizabeta sent you here...?"

He grins proudly. "Hells yeah! She trusts me of course because she's as awesome as me." Alfred rolls his eyes. Well, it's just a ride home. He'll try to endure it.

"Well, I guess J have no other choice. Care to help me up?" Gilbert nods and walks over to Alfred, pulling him up and grabbing his things.

They inform the in charge, who gives them permission, and leaves the clinic.

They shuffle awkwardly towards the school parking lot and arrives on Gilbert's car.

Alfred snickers. "Even Ludwig's motorbike is better than this." Gilbert only laughs and helps him on the passenger seat.

Gilbert helps himself on the driver's seat and starts the car. Once they engine had started, Gilbert steps on the gas and brings the car away from the school grounds.

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