rant sixty-five: brothers

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okay, so I have a twin brother and despite the fact that I've had it since 5th grade, he refuses to acknowledge the fact that I get periods. I'm literally not kidding.

I needed pads from CVS (btdubs, CVS is like a minute walk from our house) and he was like "pads for what?" and I'm like "cause I'm on my period. also, can you grab a Carramelo?" and he literally said "you get your period? since when have you had your period??" and I'm all like "uhmm for about 5 years... now about those pads..." and he looked me in the eye, IN THE EYE, and said "I don't believe you." i was like "I'M LITERALLY BLEEDING NIAGRA FALLS FROM MY VAGINA AND YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FACT THAT MY BACK FUCKING HURTS, I FEEL LIKE SOMEONE IS POUNDING ON MY UTERUS WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER, MY HORMONES ARE OUT OF WACK, I REALLY WANT TO INDULGE SOME CHOCOLATE RIGHT NOW AND DID I MENTION THAT NIAGARA FALLS IS CURRENTLY ESCAPING MY VAGINA??" He just blinked at me like he didn't understand.


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