rant seventeen: lactose tolerant

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Okay so my stomach doesn't like dairy right? So I consider myself lactose intolerant but I'm not diagnosed with that. And a few days before my period, I always crave the weirdest of shit. Me and my friend had made a cake on fathers day and it was sitting downstairs in the fridge. It was originally for my dad but...  I ended up eating almost all the damn cake in 3 days. This my dear friends, is why I'm chubby. 

So back to the lactose shit. We put Cream Cheese icing on that fucking cake. And I had some of that new gelato stuff that came out. Btw, the caramel is the bomb. So yeah, my butthole was exploding. I also shit a bunch on my period. I try to eat as little as possible so I won't cause like everything I eat just comes out. Like come on man! I only eat a lot of certain things though lol. It fucking sucks.  

Periods fucking suck.

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