rant sixty: paint parties

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Every year, my school hosts a special party in the basement of the building for freshmen and seniors. Each year, the party has a new theme and its supposed to be insanely fun.

The theme for this year was an 'all white paint party' or something like that. Basically, we were supposed to wear all white while shooting paint at each other from water guns filled with colorful paint.

I was super excited.

I walked in with my twin brother and we were both kind of shy. We stayed in a corner until I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I told my brother - Augustus (CUE TFIOS FANS) - to walk with me to the bathroom and wait outside the girl's room so we don't lose each other. He agreed.

We both made our way to the bathrooms trying not to get paint on ourselves. I was walking in front and he was behind me. 

I was determined to go to the bathroom since I really had to pee but I stopped dead in my tracks when my brother said "Cleo, I think you've got blood on your dress."




Mind you, I was wearing a WHITE lace dress. 

I literally almost pissed myself when I heard what he said. I tried to act calm and say "its probably red paint" when in reality I started whisper-screaming at my brother, telling him "what do I do? What the fuck do I do? I have my period! Oh my gosh! No! Oh my gosh!"

"I don't know. Wear a pad, maybe?"

"Okay, but a pad wont cover up this hideous stain."

"Try washing it off?"

"How the hell am I supposed to wash something that's on my butt?! I cant reach!"

"Take off the freaking dress and wash it."

By that point, I was so done with him that I quickly attempted to run to the bathroom and make sure no one saw me.

Thank god the rest room was empty. I got into a stall, peed (finally), and wore a pad. After that, I tried washing off the spot of blood on my dress but no luck. 

As soon as I got out, I was faced with my brother. He whispered "I got an idea."

He grabbed a nearby bucket of red paint and flicked some of it at my behind. At first I was mad but then I realized he was a genius. After that, we stayed in our little corner flicking red paint at each other.

(If you didn't notice, my brother and I are named after historical figures. Augustus and Cleopatra.)

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