rant twelve: blood-absorber

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I was hanging around with some friends, and we were laughing and making jokes, YADA, YADA, YADA. Then all of a sudden, one of us makes a funny joke/reference, and the rest of us start laughing our asses off.

That’s when I feel like my underwear’s wet, and it’s not me being turned on, ladies (or guys, because we know you’re reading this).

So of course I rush to the bathroom, thinking I peed myself! Sad, but possible.

I pull down my pants and underwear and lo and behold, hello, my old bitch of a friend! How kind of you to come and visit! So I mutter a few choice words, mainly “shit,” and then start freaking out, because my underwear’s blood-covered, and I’ve got no pads or tampons on me, having, of course, leaving my purse in the hands of my friends.

Just my luck that my friend walks in that second so I yell at her to slide a “blood-absorber, whatever type!” under the door, and of course, what are friends for?

After that I come out of the bathroom and end up showing my friends exactly what PMS stand for, after which I do text an apology, but all in all, that’s how I got my fucking period.

Hope you enjoyed!! :)

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