rant forty-one: no warning

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so I was at dinner with my family that I haven't seen in 5 years , and I went to the bathroom and I always wear a pad if I'm on my period or not just incase it comes or anything, but I was having bad cramps and so when we left I woke up at like 2:45 AM that night/the next morning, and I don't get bad cramps usally but this time I did and they were horrible and the next day I'm going to the public pool with my neighbors and their mom and my brother, so I have to wear a pad with my bathing suit and some spanks or shorts over them. and I guess I can't eat like dairy on my period cause it hurts like hell after.

And my brother is annoying as heck and I can't stand him on my period and I just snap at him and I GET IN TROUBLE, and he is 11 and the kid I went to the pool with he is 7 almost 8 and he is really really annoying and all he does is scream and yell and I just want to tell him to stfu but I can't cause I'll get in trouble and same with my 11 year old cousin, I can't stand them they are so annoying.


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