Because I Love You P.2 ~ Reciprocation

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Another Update! I've gotten quite a few reads and I'm very appreciative of it. I've decided to have this imagine be a series. But I'm not sure if I should just only work on this or do other imagines in between, though I may just work on this since I'm really enjoying writing it. Vote and comment, and I hope you enjoy!


~ Y/N's POV

My face stays frozen, unintentionally looking into Carlos' eyes while my mind still processes what he said. "Y-You love me?" I stutter out, blinking a few times to bring myself back out of my own thoughts.

Carlos merely nods his head in reply. I can tell he's still waiting on how I'll react. He lowers his head, looking down at the floor, his hand leaving the side of my face and falling at his side. "But I-I get it if you don't feel the same w-" He starts, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

I interrupt him by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to be, capturing his lips with mine in another kiss, this time lasting longer than the first.

I feel Carlos' arms wrap around my waist. Once I finally pull away, he keeps his arms around my waist, my eyes looking into is. "I love you too, Carlos." I whisper.

A smile slowly spread across his face, his eyes lighting up at my words. He pulls me in for a hug with his face in my neck, and I wrap my arms around his neck again, my chin resting against his shoulder.

We take a moment to stand there in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth radiating from each other's bodies.

~ Time Skip, Narration POV

Carlos and Y/N exit the ship after a few minutes, sneaking out of the docks and back to the bike just in case they happened to run into Harry or some of the crew mates, or even worse, Uma. They hop on Mal's bike speeding off through the dreary streets of The Isle. Carlos casts the spell again to form the beige to the aisle, quickly crossing it to not let any others cross. Once they arrive in Auradon Carlos drives to his dorm and parks in the parking lot, stepping off and helping Y/N off in the process.

~ Y/N's POV

l thank Carlos as he holds my left hand to pull me off the bike, a lopsided smile on his face.

"We should probably go see the others, just to assure 'em that you're okay. Jay was worried sick when he gave me the letter explaining where to find you." Carlos says, looking over his shoulder at me before I speed up to his walking speed.

"Where would they be right now?" I ask.

"They should be under the big oak tree." Carlos replies. We walk around the castle to the back near the tourney field and spot Mal, Evie, and Jay sitting in the shade in a half circle under the large tree, talking amongst themselves.

I see Carlos turn his head to my from the corner of my eye, and I look back over at him. He glances down at his right hand then looks back up, moving it over and intertwining it with my left.

We both smile before looking forward again and walking towards the other VK's. Our shoes crunch against the green grass, soon coming to a stop in the small space not occupied.

They look up with wide eyes, all standing up at the same time.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Evie squeals, running to us and closing us both in a hug.

Mal soon follows, "Thank god you're safe." She whispers, letting out a sigh of relief.

They both let go only for Jay to walk up, and attack both if us in a bare hug, taking a few seconds before pulling away. He lets out a choked noise, yet attempts to cover it up with a cough. "I'm so glad you're safe, Y/N." Jay says, looking over at me.

A few silent seconds pass before Evie speaks up again, now in a rush of asking multiple questions.

Carlos places his free hand on her shoulder in assurance, telling her that we're both fine and have no injuries.

"Good." She replies, relaxing once again. Mal glances down between me and Carlos at our hands held together.

Evie and Jay see her suspicious behavior and follow her stare. The three slowly look back up at me and Carlos, their expressions blank yet looking like they're each trying to figure out what to say...

~ To be continued...

( Discontinued) Carlos De Vil x Male!Reader One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now