Chapter 10

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Miles' POV

I was so surprised for the past few days because of his efforts that keeps on melting my heart. He cooked breakfast for us the other day, we ate together with my sister Ora and it was such a good vibe to start our day as we reminisce funny stuffs during our highschool years, I had so much fun. And then yesterday as I woke up, I found a piece of lavender rose in my bedside table, I smiled like a teenage girl thinking that it means "love at first sight." Everything feels light and bubbly with Terrence. All my worries seems to fade away by his mere presence and the sweet things he's been doing.

Its Friday today and we're now heading to work. I glance at him while he's driving. His eyes focused on the road, his grip to the steering wheel is sturdy, his facial expression seems tense.

I was confused by his mood today. I think something's bothering him. He barely talk and his thoughts seems drifting to another dimension.

"Terrence? Do you want to tell me something?" I asked somewhat worried. I'm clueless.

He looked at me briefly and just shrug then back to the road. In a moment he parked the car in front of our building.
He open the door for me but I did not step out.
He leaned closer, still holding the door, his brows furrowed as I faced him, our eyes locked, and there,I know something's wrong.

"Don't make me ask twice." I said, my tone demanding.

His eyes catipulating as he relaxed his shoulders and his gaze soothed, a deep breath escaped.

"It's bothering me that you will be seeing Harold again today for the presentation of the plan." His voice sad and low.

Oh! I almost forgot about him.

A smile forming a thin line in my lips fighting my laugh, he looked at me confused.

"I'm serious." He said in a childish way. He's so adorable right now, like someone just stole a candy from him. His gaze dropped.

"Hey, look at me," I cupped his cheeks and his eyes meet mine again. "Harold and I--"
"Don't say his name." He said, kinda annoyed, he pouted like a kid, so cute!
"We're over. His part of my life is completely done, Ok? I won't change my mind about this. Just, trust me." I said convincingly, my tone sincere.
I'm waiting for him to say something but he seems bothered still.
I drop my hands from his and gave him a quick light kiss on his left cheek that made a soft sound.

His eyes widened, shocked. My heart began beating wildly waiting for his reaction until, slowly, his eyes brighten, the corners of his mouth turned into a naughty grin. I felt my face hot. I'm sure I look like a tomato right now. With that, Its my turn to drop my gaze. Oh, I don't even know why I did that suddenly! Its just that he's acting really cute and I can't help it!

He held my chin and raise it to his level and I stare into his electric blue eyes, his grinning widely now.

"I have two cheeks," as he was saying this, he raise his two fingers. "The left, and now the right." He finished pointing a finger to his right cheek and tap it gently, waiting.

With that I am defeated controlling my laugh earlier and chortled gently. I push him jokingly and step out of the car.

I shook my head, my smile wide as his. I crossed my arms infront of him, I raised a brow.

"So, I see the worries are gone now. I'll see you later." When I make a move towards our building, he parted his arms widely infront of me trying to block my way.

"Not so fast sweetheart, my right cheek is still waiting just so you know." He said then wiggled his brows teasingly moving closer to me and turn his face side showing his right cheek, expecting a kiss. A giggle came out from me not planning to do it again.

"Ok, since you don't want to do it, then I'll do it. I want justice." He stick his tounge out as he lick his lips, making it wet.

"Terrence! That's gross!" I yelled and when he move closer to catch me I automatically run and now, we're making circles around his car. Laughing at each other with the crazy moment we're onto. We're on the opposite sides of the car and stopped, our gazes never leaving.

"I'm gonna catch you.. You need to be fair treating my cheeks. You think you can escape this? Uh-huh." He said shaking his head with a mischievous grin pasted on his lips then we switch places as he tries to catch me again.

"Terrence, I'm gonna be late now, specially you. Ok? Just drop this. Please?" I said, my eyes pleading but still can't stop laughing.

Then suddenly, our focus drifted when he heard a familiar voice.

"What's happening here?"

Its dad. And mom on her side.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Parker." Terrence greeted cheerfully, he hurriedly came to my side and we are now facing them. Dad just nod in acknowledgement with a smile.

"Good morning Terrence. How are you?" Mom said sweetly and stepped closer to him and gave him a quick hug.

"Im fine, I'm driving Miles to work now actually. We just started dating." He smiled shyly, his voice normal and wrap a hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widen in shocked. Does he knows how to slow down?? I looked at them, feeling nervous, waiting for a response.

Mom laughed and dad didn't look shock, I was confuse.

What is funny here??

"I told you!" Mom said and winked at dad.

"I know, I just thought it will still change as they mature." Dad said defensive.

I looked at Terrence, a shy smile playing on his lips and he scratched his head uncomfortably. My confussion got on a higher level.

"Mom, Dad? What's going on here?" I asked, impatient for their answer.

Dad cleared his throat but mom spoke.

"Well, actually, Terrence is really obvious having crush on you and your dad said when you we're kids, he promised your dad he will marry you someday when both of you are adults. And I knew he'll confess soon, but your dad says it might just be an infatuation and it will change overtime. But now that he made a move, I'm really happy!" Mom squealed.

"So you knew it all along?" I asked, annoyed, surprised, a rush of mixed emotions. I felt more stupid that everyone around me knew except ME! And no one dare to tell me!

"Sweetie, are you mad?" Mom asked worried as she came closer, held one of my hand and caress it.

I wanna burst out my frustration but I kept composed, my face turned impassive.

"Enough of this," dad said and sighed. "Let's go inside. Miles, I'll join in later when you present the plan. Bye Terrence, take care." He said casually and made his way to the building.
I looked at Terrence, his face turned worried trying to read my thoughts.
"I..I'll see you later." My voice low, a hint of sadness, I did not give him time to talk as I walk away, my eyes on the ground, thinking.
"I'll talk to her. goodbye Terrence." I heard mom said and catch up with me.

She studied me for a moment. When I was on the door to our office, mom finally speaks,
"I know you're upset." She said softly and I looked at her.

I gave her a small smile. "I'll be fine mom. I'm just surprised that you guys knew all along and I felt," I took a deep breath not wanting to voice out my frustration, It'll be useless now. Instead, "It's alright mom, I can't turn back time or change the things that already happened. I'll just focus to the situations I'm into right now and deal with it. What matters now is that I'm having this chance with my bestfriend." I smiled at her genuinely this time, accepting and absorbing things as fast as I can.
Her worries gently fade.
"I wish I we're so understanding and smart like you when I was your age. I'm so proud of you Miles." She smiled gently and hugged me.

I was so overwhelmed hearing the word "proud" from her everytime. I wish dad would say that too. I smiled bitterly but set it aside.

"Mom, it will take me forever if I'm gonna enumerate the things you've done for us. So I'll just simply say thank you, from the deepest part of my heart." I said as I hug her tighter.

When we pulled away, I saw her teary eyed, wiping her tears before it dare to drop. My mouth agape.

"Mom! Don't cry!" I said worriedly with a light chuckle escaping from me, I held her shoulders for comfort.
"You're making me emotional sweetie." She said and laughed too.

"Anyway, let's get working now. Your dad must be looking for me already. Goodluck later for your presentation. I know it will be perfect. Tell your sister let's have a lunch together later. Ok?" She continued and hug me again shortly as she made her way to the elevator.


Ora is busy studying the blueprint I've prepared when I entered and she looked at my direction eyeing me as I settle on my chair.

"Is that mom?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, I heard her high pitch voice." She chuckled lightly. "Did something happened?" She finished with a question.

I told her everything that just happened earlier and she was just laughing with my numbness after all those years. I felt stupid again, I feel like slapping myself hard but I felt childish if I choose to focus on that side.

Was I really that insensitive with his affection towards me?

Yes you idiot! A side of my mind just answered.

Oh! Holy Crap!

Stop this already!!

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