Chapter 7

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Terrence's Pov

I cant erase the smile drawn in my lips as I made my way up to 17th floor. Standing on the door, I knocked excitedly and a few seconds, it opened.

"Goodmorning." I greeted cheerfully to Miles our smiles almost the same, hers looks more shy. Something new about her knowing that she's always a confident woman.

"Goodmorning too. Let's go?" She asked. I just nod and we walked together going to the elevator.

"You told Ora about it?"

"Yes, she said it's fine, we'll just see each other in the office."

As the elevator going down, my heart beating abnormal again, I softly grab her hand intertwinning with mine. I smiled as she did not struggle to hold back. Her cheeks, turned into a cute blush.

We laughed lightly cannot look at each other, both we're looking down.

"How do you feel?" I asked her feeling shy with this new unfamiliar things we are doing. I felt like we're back being teenagers once again.

"Honestly, I feel a little bit awkward." She said followed by a soft laugh.

"Can that be in a good way?" I asked nervously.

She just did a single nod and then the elevator pops open, we made our way to the parking lot. I opened the car door for her and she slids in carefully.

We stopped at a cafe to have breakfast before I drop her to their office since we are on the same way where my project is. 

I told her last night that I will make it a part of routine fetching her at their unit and having breakfast together before work. She agreed with everything I suggested with her bright smile that melts my heart. She just informed Ora about it and thankfully, she just agreed but letting her know every details how we ended up with this set up. I was so excited like all my dreams are coming true.

We ordered pancakes, croissants and hot choco for her, black coffee for me. We begin to eat immediately after it was served.

"How are you feeling about your project?" I managed to ask starting a conversation, remembering that Harold is the client, my anger subsided feeling that atleast, I'm having a chance with her.

"Well, I'm obviously not grateful about it but the situations is not with in my control. I don't really have a choice." She said as she sighed heavily.

"It's going to be ok, don't hesitate to call me when he's acting like a jerk around you. I can give up my whole day at work guarding you at your office if needed.And I highly suggest that you stay 2 meters away from him." I said grinning at her trying to uplift her mood. In exchange, I was rewarded with her soft laugh that is louder than usual. 

"Thank you Terrence, for everything." She said sincerely and I just smiled at her.

"I will never get tired of doing things that will make you happy."

We finished our breakfast and went to the car. Our drive filled with conversation about funny moments during our childhood. Her laughs so contagious that sends gladness to my whole system. The atmosphere filled with nostalgia.

"Oh and do you remember the time when we we're both craving for instant noodles and then you we're so proud that you can cook it ending up being burned because you did not put water before turning on the stove." She said followed by her sweet giggle.

"Hey! I'm sorry. I assumed you did not need water for noodles or pasta since when it is served, it's already dried." I said as my defense remembering the time when we first eat instant noodles introduced by my aunt Shane who married a Chinese businessman, sister of my mom. I was about 8 years old and she's 7. I wanna impress her and told her I can cook it myself that we wont be needing help from anyone. We almost burned the whole kitchen and so glad my mom arrived to the rescue but left us with a long lecture like speech.

Our laughs fading, there was a brief silence with smile still in our faces, before she speak again.

"Terrence?When did you start loving me?" Her gaze focused to mine. I glance at her for a moment before looking back on the driveway.

"I don't know how it started because I think we're already friends eversince babies because both our parents we're close. But I remember my heart beating faster than usual when I saw you in our uniform the first day of our kindergarten. How your wavy hair bounces as you made your way downstairs. With a butterfly clip on the side and your smile shows enthusiasm, your image that day still vivid in my memory. You we're like an angel making her way down for me." I glance back again to her to see her reaction only to find out she was already starring at me. Her tantalizing eyes focused on my features. I parked the car in front of their building. I removed my seatblet and leaned closer to her not breaking our contact.

Her scent so addicting, her luscious lips slightly ajar with its pinkish color so tempting, it took all my control not to kiss her at the moment, making sure that I won't scare her by trying my best to take everything slow with the opportunity she gave me.

She blinked somewhat recovering from our closeness but our gazes still steady.

"You can go out of the car now Miles before I lose control and kiss you now." My voice suddenly became raspy as I confessed what's on my mind. My eyes full of passion as I am starring intensely through her bright brown eyes.

She startled as she look away and open the door but as she step out, she bounce back to her seat since she forgot to remove her seatbelt. She hurriedly remove it and before she tried to step out again she look at me her cheeks blushing mildly and a shy smile seems hesitant.

"Th..thanks for driving me to work. Take care." And after that I heard the car door slammed hard right in my face.

I chuckled with her reaction. I don't know why but I just find it really cute. I finally start to drive after I saw her enter the building safely.


Work was better than ever. The progress we're impressive and I think the project will be done before the timeframe that has been set. I'm feeling crazy thinking about the scene that keeps on replaying in my mind the way she reacted.

After eating my lunch at the restaurant nearby. I dialled her number. After three rings, she answered.

"Hello?" I smiled hearing her soft voice.

"Hi gorgeous. How are you?" My smile reaching through my ears, imagining her face. I heard her giggle.

"I just finished eating lunch. I just checked the mirror and I'm still gorgeous so nothing to be worried about if that concerns you." Now its my time to laugh with her surprising comeback.

"Oh, that's good then, but I think I need to see it for myself. How about I pick you up after work and then we'll go somewher?" I asked, my hand gripping my phone tighter, feeling anxious waiting for her answer.

"Hmm..I'll think about it. I'll call you when I have a decision for your offer. Ok? Bye." I was just about to say something when the line ended.

I was confuse with her action wondering if I said something wrong, anxiety is slowly filling me when suddenly my phone rang again.

My heart slamming at my chest when I saw her name and answered quickly.

"Hello?" I asked my voice almost a whisper.

"So, I was just wondering if the offer still stands?" She asked, her voice playful.

I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from smiling wider as I realize her surprising playful ways that is so new to me.

"Ofcourse it is, as long as you stay gorgeous." I said matching her playful voice.

"Okay, I'm looking forward too see you after work."

"Can't wait. Bye gorgeous." And with that, I feel like screaming at the moment but I reminded myself that I am in a public place. 

Walking back to my car, I can't stop smiling, amused and surprised in the best way discovering the woman that I've known all my life suddenly acting playful, a side of her that is unfamiliar but made me excited that despite knowing each other for too long, there's so much more waiting to be discovered.

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