Chapter 6

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Terrence' Pov

I gripped his collar with both hands anger flowing in every veins in my body as I glared at him intensely.
"You have the courage to come here you asshole!?" I shouted to him.

"Stop it!" A familiar voice caught my attention but before I could look around to see, I received a punch from him that blood from my lips was tasted quickly as I hit the ground. 

"Oh, yeah! I have enough courage to win her back, unlike you! Who is a coward deep inside that cannot make a move, do you think I'm numb not to see the way you look at her!" He shouted back. As I get up and ready to attack him again, Ora came pushing him away to create a space between us.

"You dont deserve her!" Before I managed to throw another punch moving forward to him, Miles suddenly came in my view blocking me.

"Stop it, both of you!" Her hands in my chest, for the first time I heard her yell. Her eyes filled with fury as he look at me and to Harold.

"No, you need to hear it Miles, how pathetic your bestfriend is hiding his feelings for you. Come on man, tell her. Let's see your courage!" His voice was challenging and conceited in his eyes.

Miles looked at me, her mouth open, surprised and confused. Her hands to my chest dropped abruptly.

"Miles, let me... explain." I startled, panicked in the moment as I'm looking at her intently.

"Get the hell out of here Harold! One more personal matter about this project and we're done with your crap!" We heard Ora said full anger in her voice as she pushed Harold through his car. 

We just heard his car leave her gaze never leaving mine.

Miles' gaze fell to the ground from mine, seems not to be absorbing the truth that has been exposed.
Before I could hold her, Ora interrupted.

"Terrence, she had enough of this day. I'll take her home." Ora said taking her hand back to the car. 

I was left alone there, lost in my own troubled thoughts.


Sitting in the living room of my unit, I ran my fingers through my hair and settled to my temple pressing my fingers hard as if forcing my mind to come up with an idea of what to do about the situation. Anxiety is filling inside me and as I close my eyes, the scene on how my feelings was exposed recurred freshly until I heard soft knocks on my door.

My heart beating again beyond normal, as I went to the door holding the knob with trembled hands, I slowly opened it and there, Ora is standing offering a small smile.

"Can I come in?" She asked reluctantly.

I just nod and let her in, I made my way back to the sofa and she sat beside me letting some space fall between us.

"How is she doing?" I managed to ask not looking at her.

"She wasn't talking since we came back to the unit, I respect her silence because I know she's still surprised. She just started sketching after 30 minutes of staring in the blank paper." Her voice full of concern.
I felt pain as imagined her state right now.

"What happened? Why Harold was there?" I asked again curiousity showing in eyes.

She explained to me patiently about the project that their dad gave to them and Harold being the client.

I clenched my hands into fists thinking that he made a way to reconcile with Miles. I wish I punched him hard enough to make him realize that they are over. Thinking about what happened to her day made me realize that it must have been a lot to take all in about how it started with Harold and ended up with me.

"Ora? I don't really know what to do now, I never wanted to turned out like this, I did not planned that she will find out in this way."

I looked at her as she lay her hand on my shoulder. 

"I know, it was in harsh way and in the wrong time, but it will sink in to her eventually, and I want you to distant yourself for a while, give her some space to think or realize things on her own, and make her do the next move. I understand what you feel right now. But I want you to know that I am on your side. She was so numb not to feel about how much you care for her more than a bestfriend all these years but I felt it. If there is someone who deserve her. It was always you."

With her words comforting, I gave her a small smile of gratitude that made my feeling at ease somehow.

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