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As soon I woke up I quickly texted Matt "Good Morning! We need to talk?" After some seconds my phone buzzed "Good Morning! Everything okay? What's wrong?" I looked shocked at my phone while I was already taking could he even ask me that?! Ugh!

I controlled myself and texted him back before I left to School "Not really! Talk at Lunch Time?" While I was arriving at School with Eva and Kevin my phone buzzed again and I was becoming angry. I finished parking and before I could read the text the guys asked me "What's wrong Liv? Are you okay? You don't look okay and you didn't spoke the whole ride to School!" I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I want to clear it all up before I talk to you guys. Okay?" They just nodded and looked confused at each other while they stepped out of the car.

I opened his text "Okay. Now I'm worried. We'll talk at lunch then! Love you <3!" Oh you should be worried!! I'm so angry!! Does he really not know about what I want to talk about?! GOD!! This is driving me crazy!

I anxiously waited until lunch time to finally talk to Matt about all that Facebook Photo Situation. I ate my Lunch so quickly that the guys at our table looked surprised at me. "Be right back guys...have to make a call!!" They just nodded and got back to their Lunch.

"Hey, Liv! What's wrong?" I heard after just one phone ring...I wasn't the only one anxious!! "Hey! Well explain me why there's a Picture of you and some girl all over you on Facebook?! I saw it yesterday night, but I wanted to call you so we could actually talk about it!" Suddenly there was a pause. What?! He had to come with some excuse?! I was freaking out, but tried to calm down.

"You're not serious?! First I didn't saw that picture until some seconds before you called me and the girl on the photo is my friend and totally wasted, Liv! She was the Birthday girl!" He laughed. Oh, he finds that funny?! Really?! "I'm glad you find all this funny, Matt!! But if it's so funny why didn't you told me before that it was your friends birthday party and that she was all wasted and all over you?! It sure looks like she is using the alcohol as an excuse to trough herself on top of you!! But okay!!"

There was that silence again...did I go too far? "You're over reacting, Liv! I didn't told you about the Photo because until now I didn't knew it existed and I told you I was at a Friend's Party, just because I didn't said it was a girl it doesn't mean that I was hiding something! GOD!! Calm down!!"

I smirked at him "Oh...okay!! Than if some stupid photo with me and some guy shows up on Facebook I guess it'll be okay for you?! We don't even have been together and then all of a sudden you have some time available in this all School craziness for some Party that you didn't been entirely honest about?!". I lost it!

He sighed at me "Liv, you know what? I'm gonna call you after School when you're calmer! Okay? This conversation doesn't makes any sense!! It almost looks like you don't trust me!! Bye!" I looked at my phone "But, but...Matt?! Fine!" and hang furious up.

While I was getting furious outside to meet the guys I almost bumped at some tall guy. "Look where you're going!!" I smirked at him and when I looked up it was Josh looking surprising back at me "Sorry?! You almost bumped into me and I should be more careful?!" I rolled my eyes at him...I didn't have time for this right now!! "Oh just leave me alone!!" He smirked at me "What a bad mood!! Guess old habits die hard!!" I smirked back while I was leaving him "Guess so!!" I was so angry and this jerk just had to piss me more off!! Ugh!!

When I joined back the guys, they were all talking excited about some stuff that happened at lunch time while I was on the phone with Matt...but I didn't even care enough to know what it was!! How could Matt think that I was over reacting about all of this?! Did I go too far?! Suddenly I was ripped from my thoughts by Eva who asked me carefully...guess I was still pretty angry...but how couldn't I?

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