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I woke up smiling and thinking about my day of yesterday...the Party...Matt showing up...the Chevrolet Camaro!! I have a car now!! I can't believe it!! This Morning would be perfect if I would wake up with Matt by my side. I have to make the most of today with him.

I get up and prepared myself to meet him at Breakfast. As soon I was getting out of the Shower my phone buzzed. Text from Matt "Good Morning Sleepy Head!! Waiting for you to take some Breakfast! Love you! <3" I smiled and answered "Good Morning perfect Boyfriend! Almost ready! Love you too <3". 15 minutes later I was ready and texted him "Ready! Meet you at Breakfast? ;)". He texted me back teasing "Already here...having an interesting talk with your Mom!! :P". Whaaat? Oh God! What could they be possibly be talking about?!

I almost ran to meet him and there they were talking all amusing. "Good Morning, Mom! Hey Matt!" I said almost breathless! Matt looked at me not trying to laugh and then said looking at my Mom "It was nice to talk to you Mrs. Lawrence! See you later!" She smiled at him while we were leaving to take Breakfast.

I grabbed him by his arm and while squeezing it I asked whispering "What were you two talking about? Was it" He smirked at me. "Yes, it was a very interesting conversation!!" I rolled my eyes at him "What were you talking about that was so interesting?!" I asked anxious. He laughed and answered "Relax, Liv!! We only talked about a good way!! Your Mom really likes me you know?! She said that she sees how happy I make you!" I smiled and smirked at him "Oh really? Is that so?!"

"It's indeed!! Actually she likes me so much that she gave me her permission to have you all to myself today!" He smirked. I smiled and kissed him.

After Breakfast we went downtown, took a walk and had some Lunch. After Lunch we took a walk through the Lake Park and spend some time in the Coffee Shop. While we were drinking our drinks, Matt he's Coffee and I my Hot Chocolate, he asked me "Did you already applied to the Colleges in California?" I nodded smiling "And you?" I asked. "Of course!" He smiled. "Which of them is your favorite? It's the Stanford University isn't it?!" He asked smiling. I nodded "That one or the University of California of Los Angeles. You? It's Stanford University isn't it?" I asked back. He nodded "That one or Berkeley or University of California of Los Angeles...but my favorite is definitely Stanford!" I smiled "We have that in common, but I don't know if I get into Stanford!" Matt grabbed my hand across the Table and looked at me smiling "You're gonna get in, Liv! You're so smart and your application is gonna be the best they're gonna read!!" He winked at me. I smiled "I'm not that confident then you are!! You're so much smarter than me and it's one of the best Colleges of the Country!"

He suddenly got up and sat next to me putting his arm around my waist. He turned my face back to him so our eyes meet and said calmly "Let's agree on something? When we get the letters of the Universities we applied for we open them together and tell the news at the same time over the phone. Okay?" I nodded and while I was hugging him I kissed him. "What would I do without you?" I whispered. He smiled.

We finished our drinks and left to the Lodge so Matt could grab his things and go to the Bus Station so he could catch his Flight. I don't want him to go!! This Weekend passed too quickly. When is the spring coming so I can see him again?!

We went both to the Bus Station so I could be a little bit longer with him. As soon we arrived they were already announcing his Bus. "I'm gonna miss you so much!!" I said looking down. He pulled my face up to look at me "C'mon, Liv! We're gonna see each other soon! I'm gonna miss you too!! But spring is almost here!" He kissed me. I hugged him tight one last time and he kissed my forehead before he got into the Bus.

I watched his Bus leaving and then got back to the Lodge. While I was heading to the Lodge my phone buzzed "I loved this Weekend with you, Liv! I could be present at the most important day of your Life! I hope it's gonna be like this every year!! Missing you already! Love you! <3" 

I smiled and texted back "I loved having you here and if it would depend on me you were still here with me...but soon were gonna be together again!! It was such a good surprise having you by my side on my Birthday! I hope it'll be like this for many years too!! Love you so much!! When you arrive at home text me!! <3". He texted back "I will!! Love you my tiny dork!!" I smiled.

After dinner I checked my phone and had a text from Matt "Already Home!! Sweet Dreams! Love you <3". I smiled and texted back "Okay. Love you too!! Good Night! <3".

Are they going to get in the same College? Are they going to be together at the same College?

How are the next Months going to be? With School and now soon the drivers lessons? Is she going to make it?

Don't miss the next chapter! ;)

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