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After School I and Josh met again at the Coffee Shop near to my House to finish our History Paper. We sat down at our table and after ordering our drinks we got to work. We were so concentrated that I didn't even saw the Wannabe's coming in. They never come here and all of the sudden they show up?! Of course!!...Why didn't I thought about this sooner?!...They're Josh's Fans!! Ugh!! They're so annoying!! They passed right by our Table...couldn't they be more obvious?!

"Hey Josh!! What are you doing here?!" They all said flirting with him and ignoring me. "Hey Girls! Well like you can see...I'm making our History Paper!! Shouldn't you be doing the same?" He answered smirking looking at me. I just continued working on our Paper. "Oh, right! Hi Olivia! It's a shame that you didn't end up with some of us girls to do this History Work!" They tried to provoke me, but I don't even listen to them.

Josh was with that smirk on his face again and just said "For what?! So you just could sit back and I would do the whole work for you?! Like the poor nerds on our class are doing right now?!" They looked shocked at him and when they saw me laughing, left furious!! Josh looked at me and started to laugh too.

"Good answer!!" I said. "Oh she laughs at my jokes too...good to know!!" I rolled my eyes at him "Let's get back to work!" He nodded.

After an hour we finished our paper and it would be the best History Paper that Miss Roberts would ever read!! So we thought!! When we were leaving the Coffee Shop it was starting to rain!! Really after all this hot days?! I'm screwed and I don't want to go back home in Josh's Car!! I decided to say goodbye and to run Home but before I could so he stopped me "Hey!! Wait..." I stopped and turned around "...where's your car?" Shit!! Now I couldn't lie..."Well...I live nearby so I left it at home, but it's okay...It's not raining that bad, really!!" I tried to convince him. "Oh don't be a dork! I give you a ride back home!! I insist!!"

Our 5 minutes car ride was very quiet and awkward. "Thanks for the ride! But you didn't had to I said I live nearby! Bye!" I smiled at him embarrassed. "Hey Olivia! Wait!" He said before I opened the door of the passenger's seat. "I want to ask you something?" Then he paused. I looked at him waiting a little bit worried of what the question would be. "Why do you have all this wrong idea about me?" I looked confused at him "What do you mean?" He passed his fingers through his dark brown hair "Well...correct me if I'm wrong...but it seems that you think that I'm the biggest jerk of the School and just like to tease people!! When I really don't!" I looked shocked at him.

" didn't really passed a very good impression on to me at my first day at School and I know that you already apologized for that, but you always do that stuff in front of an audience!! So what impression did you want me to have about you and there is the people with which you hang out...I don't know but all those things made me have...maybe...a wrong impression about you. Sorry! But what would you care about some new girl's opinion?" He then just looked in front to the road and avoided my question. "Okay, but I'm not the guy that you think I am! See you tomorrow!" Oh this boy is so strange!! "Bye! Thanks for the ride!"

While I was getting upstairs I was thinking about all that conversation that happened downstairs...awkward!! Why would I be still thinking about it? Could he be wrong? Could I actually have the wrong idea about him? Nah!! Probably tomorrow after we deliver our History Paper he's gonna be the same Josh that all School knows!! Why does all this bother me so much?

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I got inside our apartment and my parents were exciting waiting for me. I looked confused at them. What's going on?

"Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Are you okay? What's going on?" They pulled me to them and showed me some letters...letters from the Colleges I applied for!! Oh I have to call Matt!! We agreed to open them together over the phone. I hope he's got his too!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!!

I called Matt anxiously!! Has he already got hisletters? Will we go to the same College? Why isn't he picking up? I wasfreaking out that I couldn't give him the news!! I decided to text him "Heygorgeous boyfriend! Called you because I have College News!! Call me as soonyou can! I'm so excited! I didn't forgot about our deal!! <3". I looked anxious to my phone waiting it tobuzz anytime it always happens! Why isn't he texting me back?! Didsomething happen?! I thought while I was lying in my bed!!    

Why has Josh so strange attitudes with Liv?

Did something happened to Matt? Why didn't he texted Liv back?

Don't miss the next chapter, guys!


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