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It was already 7:00 a.m. when my alarm clock went off. Ugh!! I hate to wake up early!! I woke all grumpy. I really hate waking up early!! But then my phone buzzed.

"Good Morning Sleepy Head! Ready for the First Day? :P Love you! <3" it was a text from Matt. I smiled at my phone and my bad mood just disappeared. "Good Morning Boyfriend!! Ugh!! Tell me about it. I don't want to go...I want the Summer Break back!! Are you ready for the First Day of School? Love you too!! <3" I texted back.

Only Matt to make me be in a good mood even when I have to wake up early against my will. My phone vibrated again "Well I don't have a choice...But it's not going to be a bad first day...I don't have many classes! ;) You?" Oh he's so lucky! Monday is the worst day for me!! Ugh!!

I rolled my eyes and texted him back "You're so lucky!! Monday is the busiest day in my School Schedule!! Ugh!! Well I have to hurry and you too...Can't get late for our first day of School...Can we?! Love you <3"

After some seconds I received another text from him "Always so bossy, Miss Lawrence!! Ok, we'll talk later! Love you my little dork!!" I could imagine the smirked smile on his face when he send me that text. 

"Love you too!!" I just texted back, took my Breakfast quickly and went to School to meet the Guys from my Class.

"Hey Guys!!" I shouted when I arrived at the School and saw them. "Hey Liv! How are you? How was your Summer Break?" they asked me. "It was amazing!! But I'll tell you everything when we're at Lunch. Let's go to class!"

The Classes of the Morning were pretty tough. But finally there was Lunch Time with the Guys! We all sat down at our usual Table outside, taking the most out of the last days of summer and talked.

We all talked about our Summer Break's and how amazing they were. Some of them even were full of adventure. We rarely spend Summer Break together, because almost every one of us go somewhere else to spend their whole summer. I don't need to do that because I love to spend the summer with the Guys at the Lodge and since this Summer I'll love it even more!!

"How are things between you and Jen? Have you been talking?" I asked Mark while everyone were still talking about the summer. 

"Things are good between us, I guess! We have been talking every day and I like her every day more. I'm planning to spend a Weekend with her next Month so we can see each other more often!" He answered me smiling. 

I smiled back and teased him "Oh that's commitment!! Who would guess my friend Mark in love?!". He laughed and smirked at me.

"What about you and Matt? Is everything okay between you?" he asked curious back. I nodded and said "Yes, it is! But it's not easy, you know? All the distance and not seeing each's hard! But you understand what I mean, because you're in the same situation! I wish I could see him more!!" I sighed. 

He hugged me and smiled "You really love each's gonna work, you'll see!! And next year we're all in College and maybe you even go to the same one!! I'm planning this if things with me and Jen work out, but don't say anything, because she doesn't knows it jet!" he confessed to me.

My jaw dropped "That's Huge, Mark! She is going to freak out and be so happy when you tell her that!! I'm so happy for you two!! You really are beginning to love her don't you?". He nodded. The bell rang and it was our cue to get back to class. Ugh! This day never ends?! I sighed mentally.

It was almost 7:00 in the afternoon when I arrived at Home. My last Class ended at 6:00, but I just arrived an hour later at home, because I was still talking to the girls about the summer. I took a Shower...believe me I needed last class was Sports!!

When I came out my phone was Matt "How was School? I'm at Home since 2:00!! :P" I could imagine his smirk face when he texted me that!! "Exhausting!! :( I just arrived Home a few minutes ago!! Ugh!! There are some people with Luck!! :P" I texted back.

Before I could check my phone for another text from him my Mom knocked at the Door and called me for dinner.

After it I was so tired that I just went to Bed and before I fell asleep I checked my phone again and there was another text from him "What?! Really?! Damn!! Are your other days of the School Schedule the same?!" I answered almost asleep.

"No! Just Monday is the hardest. The other days are good...All my classes finish almost every day at 3:00. So I have almost every afternoon free to study and hang out with the guys of my Class!! ;) It's not so bad when I don't think about Mondays!! Ha ha!!".

"Ok! My Schedule this year isn't so bad!! I never have Classes until 4:00  ;) You're probably almost asleep after a first day like this aren't you? We'll talk tomorrow!! Miss you!! <3

He knows me so well!! I thought when I read his text.

"That's great!! At least one of use has good Mondays on his Schedule!! You're so right!! Ok! We'll talk tomorrow!! Love you too!! Sweet dreams Boyfriend!! <3" I texted back. 

My phone buzzed seconds later "Sweet dreams Girlfriend!!" he send me.

Will Liv and Matt go to the same College? Are they going to make their relationship work till then? Do they have the same College Plans?

I decided to post three new chapters today. I hope you like them. Since I was so many days without posting anything I decided to do this. 

I'm going to post two or maybe three new chapters tomorrow so I make it up to you guys for my long absence here. ;)

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