Chapter 9: The Joy (Part 2)

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"I seriously doubt that. She's the kind of person who would take a megaphone and run around screaming about how much of an awful person I am throughout the whole school," Pete says, as he comes up behind us to join the conversation. 

Sonia rolls her eyes. "That's only towards people who deserve it. Unless you REALLY piss me off- which is something you do on a regular basis- then I won't do it. I may be evil, but I know when to put it to use." 

"Like with those two dudes in middle school," Sophia recalls, with a fond smile on her face. Sonia smirks, as she reminisces about the time she beat up two high school creeps who were hitting on her while she was in middle school. 

"Ah, yes, that was awesome. Now nobody dares to touch me." 

We all laugh at that, and then at that moment, the bell rings, which is basically a signal for us to move our butts and get to class so that we learn something. 

"I'm off. I'll see you guys later!" Sophia says, and Sonia gives me a slight smile and walks along with her. Pete looks at me, and then we start to walk to our next class together. As we're walking, he flashes me a smirk, and says, "YOU WERE TOTALLY BLUSHING. OH MY GOSH, YOU LIKE HER!" 

I groan a little bit, and I know I have to throw in the towel. Now that I've realized it, I can't keep on lying. I hate lying to people, and when it comes to Pete, that's a special case, because Pete is someone who gets really hurt from lying. 

I nod, and say, "Fine, okay, I like her. I admit it. Now will you leave me alone already?" Pete shakes his head. 

"Oh no. This is huge. You finally admit that you like one of your closest friends, after months of bugging. And considering how much Sophia means to you, this is pretty huge. No need to be embarrassed, Ray-Ray." 

I shoot Pete the "I'm so done with you," look. "And there's no need for you to tease me, Peter Aksel." 

Pete groans a little bit, rolls his eyes, and says, "I hate you." He starts to walk faster, which I appreciate, because he's being a pain in the neck. 


One more period to go. Today has felt like someone tied a shoelace to my ankle and drug me through a marathon while walking at snail's pace. I'm walking to my next class, which is arguably one of the most regrettable choices I have ever made in my life. AP Calculus. 

If I thought other classes were a train wreck, then this one is Chernobyl. Combine the hard tests, the excessive amount of homework, plus the brutality of our teacher's grading, then this is the class that should be used as a torture method. 

As I walk to class, I come across Victoria, who looks like she wants to disappear amongst the crowd and go home. When she makes eye contact with me, she just looks down at her books and keeps on walking, like, as Sonia says, Bonnie when it comes to Kai. 

I just brush it off and continue on with my day. I kind of expect Victoria to look like this, because after knowing her for so long, I know exactly how she acts after dealing with things as big as what happened today. 

However, I'm slightly grateful that she decides to keep to herself, because I'm not in the mood to talk to her. Not after everything that she's done. When I get to Ms. Sanders' class, which is my AP Torturous class, I find Sophia standing there, waiting idly for something to happen. 

I walk up to her, and say, "Preparing yourself for today's torture lesson?"

 She turns around, and nods. "Yeah. I don't even want to step into this class after seeing what I got on the first test. I'd much rather go to Taco Bell, thank you very much." 

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