Chapter 9: The Joy (Part 1)

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"Remind me again why I decided I could take AP Spanish and not die?" I say to Maya, one of my friends and classmates in the living hell known as AP Spanish. 

She rolls her eyes at me. "I mean this in the nicest way possible. Shut up, Ray. You have a higher grade than me, and I'm a native speaker." 

"So is Pete, and I bet you my left eye that the way he wanted to practice was to watch Spanish dubbed Spongebob." 

Maya snickers. "I can't blame you. You can't go wrong with Spongebob." 

I divert my attention back to the board, and study the tenses that we're going to be quizzed on next week. Because I may be able to handle the drama that went down today, but I'm not handling another failed quiz grade. 

As I study my conjugations, my principal comes over the intercom. "Good morning, everyone. We have tallied our results for the elections this morning. For treasurer, we have Sylvia Perkins. For vice president, we have Sophia Smith. For president, we have Raymond Richards!"

 The whole crowd gasps when they hear the principal say my name over the intercom. My jaw drops out of pure shock when I hear my name, with my hand flying up to cover my mouth. "Oh my gosh," I say, and I look around to see everyone's shocked faces. 

My teacher says, "Shhh. Listen, listen." 

Ms Robinson then says, "Congratulations to you three! Meet me in room 24 so we can discuss what we'll be going over during the school year. Thank you!" The click after that signals that she's not on the microphone anymore. 

Once everyone's attention diverts right back to class, they start to applaud on my behalf for such a huge victory. I smile, and Maya looks at me with a proud look on her face. "Ray, that's amazing! Congratulations!" she squeals. 

A bunch of people come up to me to give me the bro hug and to congratulate me for the win. My hand feels damp with sweat from all the high fives, and my cheeks hurt from all the smiling and laughing that I do throughout the period. All I can say is that I don't know if I will focus on my work for the rest of the day.

The congratulations I'm getting throughout the hallway fuel my happiness like gasoline to a fire. Almost everyone who doesn't give me a congratulations gives me a warm smile instead, which is more than enough fuel to continue to spark my fire. 

As I'm walking to my next class, I feel a familiar hand clamp onto my shoulder. A sweet voice chants in my ear, "We won, Ray!" I turn around, to see Sophia with an excited smile on her face. 

I smile back at her and say, "I know! I can't believe it!" She jumps in my arms and gives me a huge hug, while giggling throughout. I hug her back, and almost melt into her when the scent of her rose perfume inflates my nostrils. 

After everything that happened today, it feels amazing to just hug her and say that we destroyed this challenge like a boss. The feeling is like being given a medal after completing a challenging sports competition. 

Eventually, she lets go of me, and says, "I have to go to my next class. Don't want to be late. I'll see you in an hour." I smile, and then she runs off and waves behind her. I adjust my backpack and continue to keep on walking to my next class.

When I step outside my English class, I am reminded of how good things don't always last. The first thing I see when I step outside the door is the grumpy, decaffeinated face of Mr. Polk, or Mr. Parrot Fish, as everyone calls him, our substitute for the next week. 

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