They all hate the idea of faking their relationship. Because it is so unacceptable and disgusting to have cousins dating, they are practically siblings. Still, nowadays, people don't care about that. However, king Evans is trying to raise awareness of that matter.

He wants to have a better kingdom with a better mindset. Some people were convinced with the king's concept about cousins not dating, and others didn't budge or make room for future thinking. They claim that Arabs marry their cousins, and nothing happens to their offspring, so why would it happen to them? They also have a point, but king Evans isn't one to easily give up on his people.

"The car is here, your majesty." A servant came informing them while bowing.

"Let's go then!" King Evans announced, making his way to the large gate along with his three children.

As soon as they got out, so many people from the media took shoots or asked and rambled nonsense from out the gates away from the palace. They stood at the palace iron gate that cars can get in from.

After closing the gates to keep any unwanted ones from stepping a foot in the palace, there were two black cars parking in front of the palace from the inside.

"Behave Bella and calm yourself!" Tia whispered to Bella, who was clenching her fists from all that paparazzi and photographers who kept rambling about her relationship with Dylan, who was, in fact, her cousin and nothing more. It disgusts them to think otherwise, but in this damn kingdom, all the girls are throwing themselves at him only to be called queens when he takes the throne after King Evans because who gets married first from the both get the throne. Bella doesn't believe in marriage and doesn't intend to get married one day nor be in a relationship. She likes to only have fun that she hasn't gotten till now and won't be able to get until Dylan decides to get married and find a suitable wife.

"Welcome, gentlemen, I hope you suffered no troubles while traveling." King Evans greeted the three foreign men as they bowed to him in respect.

"Thank you, King Evans, we had no trouble. In fact, it was a short quiet little journey." One of the men replied, smiling respectfully.

This one grabbed Bella's attention. He had trouble written all over his face, and she felt something about him was off with the way he keeps looking around him -analyzing.

But she also didn't deny how attractive he was. In fact, he was the most attractive one of the men.

He had golden hair with tanned skin and narrow hazel eyes. Also, his body was sculpted perfectly -better than Dylan's, she thought. It wasn't full of so many muscles, it was good and suiting him.

She doesn't know for how long she kept examining, gazing at him until he captured her eyes with his. She didn't feel shy or embarrassed by looking at him straight in the eyes, nor did he catch her ogling him more like eye-raping him.

Bella was known for her bravery and fierce soul that had no fear of anything or anyone and fought for what she believed in. She always gets what she wants. However, under that strong exterior of hers, there is no denying that she is hiding such dark thoughts and insecurities.

The golden-haired man didn't look away from her eyes even though the king kept speaking with him and the other two men, yet he kept nodding.

He knew it was impolite of him, but he couldn't cut his gaze from the raven-haired beauty that had the most stunning sky blue eyes that he ever saw with her full plump lips and long eyelashes. Even her body was attractive, at least for him, as her body is totally unliked by most of the public. He felt like he could keep looking at her all-time, watching her fierce soul and dangerous eyes that screamed trouble.

He knew princess Bella so well. He heard so much about her from the media. He knew how dangerous and powerful she is, and he admired that in her. He always thought that it was attractive. Even if she is already stunning, her stubbornness and violent character made her more appealing.

But from the way he grew up and the way he lived, he knew that he can't always believe whatever the media says because they tend to be extra and makeup stories. They also ruin lives.

"So, I guess you already know my three hiers, but I will introduce you to them." King Evans cleared his throat, looking at his three heirs to introduce them. "My elders' prince Dylan, princess Bella," He motioned at them then finally at Tia. "...and princess Tia the youngest one."

The three of them nodded in a greeting way smiling sweetly even Bella plastered her fake smile while the three men bowed at them.

"It's our pleasure to finally get the chance and meet you all. We heard so much about you from the media." The same golden-haired man talked, looking especially at Bella. She felt he was sending that specific last statement to her. Was it a hidden threat?

Well, you never know in their lifestyle, you should always watch your back, analyzing every tiny detail.

However, something grasped her attention. That golden-haired guy is the only one who keeps answering and talking. Maybe he is the leader of them, she thought.

"I am Archer," the golden-haired man introduced himself and the other two men, but Bella blocked the rest of the talk after hearing his name.

Archer, what kind of name is that? She thought. It's kind of old in our place, and it always makes her think of the eyebrows like arch your eyebrows, or arch your back. Bella thought to herself, snorting in progress. Unknowingly she grabbed unwanted attention to her stopping the king and the three men from talking.

"Something wrong, Bella?" King Evans asked, giving her a look behave, or you will be grounded for the rest of your life that you will kill yourself from dullness.

She shook her head. "No, papa." Dylan's eyes focused on her smirking, giving her a look that says, 'you are in a deep shit.' Tia sighed at her big sister's childish ways. Taking by surprise, Archer let out a side smile thinking how beautiful and troubled she is even when she is hiding her laugh or lying. He found her amusing. She caught him, smiling at her, and shot him a glare making his smile widen. As much as she wanted to smack his head for tempting her as she isn't a patient person, she contained her anger snapping her attention at anything else but him.

"Adequate, I think that you might be tired now, so the servants will guide you to your rooms where they already put your luggage and please act as it is your own palace and if you needed anything, you could ask one of my offsprings, they would be more than glad to help you." King Evans offered, and they nodded at him, thanking him in progress. Bella rolled her eyes, thinking about how her papa threw her to the boring men and gave her a tiresome job to help stupid handsome foreign men.

That would be a long damn week with those men and especially that Archer guy and his arched brows. Bella thought to herself, joking internally at her own dumb joke.

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