Chapter 9 Did Ben just save my life?!

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You woke up with a jolt to find yourself in your bedroom. You asked yourself if that nightmare you shared with Ben was real. You decided not to put up to much thought into it and decided to get ready for whatever today has planed for you. You looked around the house to find no one home but you, you also found a note form Sib 1:

"Hey loser!! Don't go out like that again okay me and Sib 2 were really worried about you. And if you pull that stunt again I will hurt you. Also we forgive you but we decided to cut your curfew down to being home at 8:00 p.m.
And I guess I love ya dork."

After reading that you just went out the door to go get Ben.

Ben: "Good morning (Y/N)! Anyways we should probley get going don't want Sally to get upset right?! Also you don't look so good are you okay?! Oh! well, hey! Since it your first time to the Teather ill show you how to get there.

Ben walked with you on the path to the Theater.

Mephi: "Good morning you two!!"

Ben: "Good morning Sir Mephi!! Me and (Y/N) are going to the Theater today!!! Is it okay with you?!"

Mephi: "Yes all seems to be in order. As the Mountains and River today I deemed safe. Plus today is quite spleaded!! You two may go where ever you wish today!! Just be careful those rotten trouble some Smith's gang are out today best not to go in the woods, theve seem to take there spot over there and I thought I'd a least give you two a heads up just in case."

Ben: "Thank you Mephi!! I appreciate you telling us that!! Come on (Y/N)! Let's Go!"

Mephi: "And remember if you need anything come and talk to me!!!"

Ben: "OKAY!!! Hey (Y/N) lets keep the things that have happen in the past days a secret, even if we do tell Mephi. He'll probly think were crazy."

After passing Mephi and fining a track and Yu-Gi-Oh! card, you came to the bridge Ben stopped.

Ben: "(Y/N)....You like Creepypastas.....Do you think I'm a monster form one of them?!

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