Chapter 5 The Killer Nightmare

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You Tried going to sleep but it was no use, you want someone to sleep with but didn't want to disturbed mom and you denifnatly didn't ask Sib 1 for sure. so you went to Sib 2 room. You knock on the door and entered.

Sib 2: Huh...Oh (Y/N), couldn't sleep? that's fine, I'll move over.

You climbed into the bed and went to sleep after getting confrontable. You where in a strange room with checker flooring and red lights that would be in a dark room. in fact the room even look like that. The room gave an evil vibe that made you feel as if their wasn't a way out.

?: "I want to make you Beautiful (Y/N), and After I do I'm going to put you to SLEEP!"

Whoever it was started to chase you around the room, you tried to keep your distance but it was no use. Jeff caught up to you and wouldn't let you get two feet away form him.

Suddenly felt like you had the wind knock out of you. You were fine? Could it have been a dream? You were standing in the mirror room looking at your reflection, trying to clam yourself down. After calming down you went back upstairs and went to finding Sib 2.

Sib 2: "Oh hi (Y/N)! how did you sleep? And why did you leave the door open at three? Did you get feel like going to your room?"

You choose not to say anything about the, "nightmare" and just told them that you forgot to close it on your way out.

Sib 2: "Okay then! by the way I'm making your (F/B/F) you want some?"

Told them you'd love some and asked what she was cooking on the side.

Sib 2: "Oh this pie is for the meet and greet for are next door nebors."

Sib 1: "Oh my god! I'm so hungry I could eat everything."

As they stormed in the room and sat across form you.

Sib 1: "What are you gawking at Twit?! by the way you look as if you crawled out of a lions den. I sjucts stariaghing up or no guys is never going to like you."

Mom: " Sib 1! Enough! also ill be leaving today, I Want you and Your Sib 2 to get a job and take care of the house and (Y/N) okay? Don't worry about the bills me and your father have gotten taking care of."

Sibs: "Okay Mom!"

Mom: "And you know the rules: No parties, no sleep overs, no going outside at night unless it taking (P/N) out, No having friends over unless one of Sib 1 or 2 are here. Only Sib 1 or 2 can pick up the home phone and finally lock all door and windows before bed and when leaving the house. Okay you all have your phones on you and house keys so you'll be fine, and only call 911 for an emerancys I love you all and ill be seeing you soon. And no guys over Sib 1."

Sib 1: "OMG mom no!"

Sib 2: "But I thought you said you had a few more days."

Mom: "I did but they want me to come in early. Alright I off I love you! and I'll see you soon!"

As your mom fainly left your Sib 1 exclaimed, "Yes! she's gone! now I can do what ever I want!!" As they ran out the door and took the last set of car keys to the other car set aside for increase of shopping or needing to go somewhere just incase, and went out the door.

Sib 2: "Well at least mom left us 300 dollars, don't tell Sibs 1 okay I don't know how long mom and dad is going to be. And I need to look for a job now. but it can wait until we meet are nebores. Do you want to join me?"

you told them you wouldn't tell and that you join her in greeting the nebores.

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