Chapter 4 "Dinner time!"

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Needless to say your mom wasn't happy At All.

Mom:"Why were you didn't you answer? I've been calling and texting you, by gods where were you? And why are you wet?!"
You told your mom that you forgot your phone was off.

Mom: "You know (fustaried sigh)...I'll let it go this time but the next time have your phone on okay? And I don't want this happening again, do you understand!?"

You told her that you would have your phone next time and that you were sorry. she hug you reassuringly and said,

Mom: "It's okay, but next time I will ground you and take all of your electictrocs away, now lets go get eat and take bath when your done. You smell and look like you got in a scuffle."

You both went inside, while doing so you saw what time it was 6:45 no wonder she was pissed. You, your sibling, mom, and (P/N) sat and eat dinner.

Sib 2: "So where's dad?"

Mom: "Oh! he found a new job in the next city over and won't be back for awhile. I'll be getting a job in the city to as well at the hospital. In fact that reminds me, I think its best if Sib 1, and Sib 2 find jobs here in this town as well."

Sib 1: "Why should we? And why here? as far as my concern this place is a dump they don't even have a mall here stupid junkyard."

Mom: "It'll will give the two of you something to do, and I need to close at home for emergcy cases, If (Y/N) gets hurt, and I think it's time for two to grow up a bit."

Sib 2: "I don't have a problem with it, I think it a sewell idea. Plus it gives us a chance to buy what we want."

Sib 1: "Well I do! and do we have to babysit (Y/N)!? As far as my concern there fine on their own! and a job in this place!? Please! this town doesn't even have a whole of jobs, just ones."

Mom: "And for that you should be grateful. Look me and your father are going to be away a lot of the time and I you three to get along with each other okay? I know you three are still young but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for what's best alright? And I be leaving here in a couple of days soon, so I need to know if you guys can be there for each other.

Sibs 2: "Okay mom."

Sib 1: "Whatever..."

Mom: "Well after we get done eating, Y/N I want you to the dishes and straightin up around the house. Si

b 1 and 2 I want you to sweep the floors and clean your rooms. Just do your normal chores okay, I'm going to take a bath and head that way to bed."

All of you: " Okay mom!"

You all repliayed as she head out of the door. then you siblings left the room to go do there chores and do whatever they do. after you finished the dishes and looked around the room you found your Gameboy that you still use to play old Nintendo games on. Coursie as to why it was there you picked up and decide to check if it was okay. On the screen played the Lavander town song picturing Lavander town, but without the playing character. You tried every button to see if the character would show but nothing. Then the screen flashed and turn off by itself, the music of lavender town still playing around you. You imadaitly exited the room and it stop.

Sib 2: "(Y/N) you okay?"

They staired at you with worry in their eyes, while holding the broom to put it back.

Sib 2: " You look as though you've seen a ghost. are feeling good? maybe you should head to bed."

As they cheek you temp. You told them you were okay and decided to hit the showers and go to bed.

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