Chapter 7 Meeting a strange kid and taking care of them. Wait What!?

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You went around the house look for you siblings and (P/N) to see if they were okay. You as started to wonder about the safety of you and your family and Ben. You wondered if any of your family was experiencing anything like this. after thinking it through you thought not and decide to keep what's been happening to yourself, as they would think you've gone bockers. Eventually you went into the kitchen after not finding anyone, only to see a little girl?! You hesitated to say anything as she was eating some breakfast food and swing her legs back and forth in her chair, she then looked in your direction. You froze and stare at her.

?: "Hi my names Sally Williams, you must be (Y/N)? right? your Sib 2 told me a lot about you. In fact they left you this note."

Sally handed you the note it read:
Dear, (Y/N)

Sorry to have to do this to you but I need to ask you for a favor, ill pay you back for doing this latter I promise. I just found a job and I cant take care of sally right now and I'm doing this for my new friend. And who knows maybe Sally and you can be friends? just take time with her and be there for her and everything will be fine. I also won't be home until late to night though so don't wait up for me okay?

Sib 2

Sib 1: "Oh my gosh! you been reduced you babysitting?! that's hilarious!!! Anyways I off Greek squad try not to get into trouble you little twit."

As they run out the door to do whatever. You just rolled your eyes at them and put the note down and ate the breakfast for you. After finishing and washing the dishes you went to your parents room to see sally watching a static screen playing. you asked why she was watching static on the screen.

Sally: "It's not static! It my favorite show, "Candle Cove" on TV."

You decided to get to know sally a little better. You found out that Sally has lived in this town her whole life, and that she lived in the abandon theater across the river. That you found to be a bit of a red flag but allowed her to continue on.

Sally: "Bens the only human friend so I came here to make more human friends!!! and look were destiny has brought us here together!! Will be friends forever!!! EVEN AFTER DEATH WILL STILL BE FRIENDS!!!!!

After Sally said that you felt the room shaking and almost fell over. Sally is now walking with you.

Sally: "If you bring me to a mirror I know of a cool game we can play, called "Bloody Marry."

After going down to the basement area and bring her to the mirror room sally stop you and said:

" I really love your house so creepy and cold and full of sorrow and secrets, are you ready to play?"

You didn't have much of a choice, and said yes.

Sally: "Alrightghy then!! Bloody Marry, Bloody Marry, Bloody Marry!!!!"

Nothing happened.

Sally: "Aww what waste, oh well I wasn't expecting anything to work anyways....Lets go to Ben house and play games."

Then an arm stanched out of the mirror along with a horrid terrified scream filled the room. And just as it appeared it disappeared. The mirror is now covered in blood.

Sally: "Oh my god shes real...shes really?!...Wait come back Marry! I want to be friends! Aww she gone. That the sad part of this town ghosts around here.... I would love to be friends with them."

She looked down saddley then she look up at you.

Sally: "Hey are you okay you don't look so good? Any ways lets go see Ben."

You thought that was a wonderful idea. and started to go to Bens house. When you found ben in the front room of your house.

Ben: "(Y/N)! I'm scared! Last night I woke up it was midnight and I turn on one of my computers, and started on researching Creepypastas because....Well you know....anyway when I did I found out about a Creepypasta called, "Ben Drowned," he played "Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask," He was cursed to stay in the game for all of eternity...."

Sally: "Man Ben! I've never seen you this bug out before, and you believing that your a character form this? it just for entertainment Ben don't take so seriously! Hahaha....Your an idiot."

Ben: "Huh...Ah...Sal-Sally?!...Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you for a moment?"
"That kids crazy, the first time I meet her was when we play hide and go seek. When she found me, she started to follow me around with a Bloody knife in her hands. Id be careful around her if I were you."

Sally: "What guys talking about I want in too!!!"

Ben: "It's nothing Sally! Just want to tell him about games, speaking of which I have a new one. (Y/N) do you have a game console? if so we can try this game out. "

You Ben you had one in your room and that you'd be glade to play it with him. as you made your way to your room:

Sally: "What's the game?!"

Ben: "It called, "Sonic R,"

You push open your door and let them in your room, and proceed to set up the game.

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