New York

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"Ashton Kelly, Justin Ramos, Tyler Diggs, Eric Hernandez, Julian Peck and Frederick Roberts, you are all being tried as adults, so you are aware. Each of you will be doing jail time in the county jail facility. How much time you all will serve will be determined at your next hearing on June eighth. Until then you will be spending your time in the local jail", the judge slammed his gavel and the perps were escorted from the room.

I gave Ky a small hug but Dad didn't look very satisfied at all. He probably wanted them to all do a life sentence. We all left escorted by three officers.

It had been an easy enough process but the media had gotten involved and now I was scheduled to do an interview with E! to sort things through for the gossipers. It was one thing for them to talk but it was another to talk falsely. I was also supposed to do a small bit for the Morning Show on women's safety tomorrow. Vanessa accompanied me to this.

"So, you were attacked by a group of boys from your school IN SCHOOL?", Larry asked.

"Well, I was attacked by one and the others sort of stood there and kept watch", I corrected him.

He gasped, "And there was no one to help you?", I shook my head. "How did you get away?", he asked leaning in.

"Well, they say, if you give your captor what they want things will be easier to handle. So, I kissed the guy", I watched as his face went from shock to horror. "And as soon as he let my hands go I yanked his hair out. He came at me", I demonstrated a lunge without getting up from my seat, "I punched him in the face".

Larry applauded me as did the audience. He looked around for something offstage then motioned to a guy who was wearing protective gear so when I punched him it would hurt less. "Okay, so, before, we asked Stephanie if she would demonstrate a few moves for us and we'll show you when we come back from this commercial break", he spoke to a camera near the audience. Larry then turned to me and pulled me into a big hug. "I am so sorry about what you went through but you are absolutely beautiful and smart and I'm happy you didn't let those assholes, excuse my French, get to you".

After we came back from break I was actually smiling a real smile. Larry was a really great guy and made me feel like I mattered. It felt nice.

"Alright, girl. Show us your stuff".

I put on the boxing gloves and sent a few jabs, uppercuts and kicks to the guys midsection, dodging his swipes from time to time. Lastly, he sent out a jab, I deflected, grabbed his outstretched arm, swung to his side, sent two swift elbows, one to his face, the other to his chest and a kick behind his knees knocking him flat on his back.

Larry stood up clapping frantically as I took off the gloves and set them down. He gave me a hug then turned to the audience. "She took him down in heels and a dress!", the crowd erupted. "Let this be a lesson, you're never too classy to kick someone's ass. Thanks for coming on the show beautiful!", he gave me one last hug and I waved to the crowd and cameras, stepping over the man's body and walked off stage into Vanessa's arms.

I wanted to cry. This was all for a good cause but I hated remembering all that crap. I just really wanted this all to be over. We were staying in New York until tomorrow and then we'd head back to LA.

When we got to the hotel room I checked my phone for any messages. I had one from Chris. He was honestly the only guy I knew who would wake up at four in the morning to send me a text.

Good luck, Steph. Can't wait until you're back. I miss you.


I smiled at the text.

Thanks Miss you two and I'll be back tomorrow by two or three.


I sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on. E! News popped on with a picture of Justin and Selena on either side of the tall woman in the silver dress.

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