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I sat there staring blankly at my phone. Chris still hadn't texted me back but I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. I had finally read his last two texts and now my brain was no longer working.

Tell me how he's doing. Are you okay?


Hey, I know you weren't expecting what happened to... well, happen, but I wanna make it up to you. Let's go on a date? Text me when you get this.


A date? A date. Chris wanted to take me on a date. My brain was about to short circuit. How could I possibly say yes or no. It isn't like I don't like Chris, I do... a lot, but he's just a really good friend and I wasn't ready for a date. Not with him at least! Wait, I didn't mean it like that. It's just, every time I'm around him my heart melts and my stomach gets all knotty and my palms sweat and I think things I shouldn't, like about kissing him or cuddling--those aren't normal thoughts that you have about a friend. But I guess he didn't want to be "just friends" anymore but I'm not sure I can handle anything more. I was sure to combust.

There was a short knock at my door and then someone walked in. My heart was racing as they sat down causing the bed to sink and I nearly fell into them. I was too afraid to look knowing, well enough, who it was.

He stayed just as stock still as I was. Quietly, Chris cleared his throat. "What's up?", he sounded just as uncomfortable as I felt.

Oh my. What do I say? Do I act normal? How do I do that? Shit! Speak, I willed myself. "Nothing", I answered lamely.

"Cool", I saw him nod from my peripheral. "You still need help with moving everything into the new coffee place?".

I nodded. "Yes". Combustion commencing in ten, nine...

"When do you want to get started?", eight, seven, six...

"At eleven or twelve", five, four, three...

Chris stood up and walked to the door but waited for me. "We should get going then?", combustion halted.

I sighed heavily to myself. Yep, there was no way I'd survive a date with this guy. I stood and he led the way downstairs. I took this time to get a full look at him. He was wearing a red T-shirt and blue denim straight leg jeans and black high tops. Even from behind he looked perfect. And I looked like poo. Today I was wearing blue basketball shorts, a black and white Jordan muscle tank and a pair of blue and white Jordan Flight's. And to add insult to injury I had my hair in a bun.

"Chris, wait", I said as we reached the landing to the first floor. Chris turned and gazed up at me from where he stood. "I'm gonna change", I felt so foreign in my own skin.

I was going to turn to head back to my room but Chris caught my wrist. His hand fell over mine so we were basically holding hands. Shivers ran up and down my spine. "You look fine", he said giving my a small half smile.

My heart melted into a puddle at the top of my rib cage. I fought the urge to faint and followed silently as Chris towed me along out the door.

When we arrived at Glincina the delivery trucks were already there. Euriah was running late so Chris and I just got to work. Chris was helping me set up the cool room when Ry and Tank finally showed up, an hour late.

Walking backwards, I was hauling a purple bean bag chair into the room when I bumped into someone. I toppled over, Chris breaking my fall.

I scrambled to turn around to check if he had and bumps or bruises or worse, a broken skull. He had hit the ground hard. Peering down at him running my fingers lightly over his face and neck I checked for any injuries. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't know you were behind me", I don't know why exactly but I checked his forehead for a fever.

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