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Oh, how I hate Mondays. My alarm blared to life and I jumped sky high and fell on the hard floor. Fuck Mondays. I clambered to my feet and glared at my evil alarm clock and swore an oath to myself. After graduation, I am going to smash it, then I'm going to burn it, and then I'm going to smash the ashes. Oh, yes, the alarm clock from hell was going to meet it's maker. But for now I settled on a heavy smack and turned on my heel to go shower.

In the shower I let myself drift back to yesterday. Chris and I stayed in my bed all day just talking. He had to be the world's best listener and oddly enough it was easy to speak to him. We talked and watched movies and even made a vine together but no one would ever see it. I made him promise not to upload it. Still pictures are one thing but me in video is a danger zone I'd much rather not enter.

Rinsing the lather from my hair I easily recalled the swarming anxiety I felt whenever we brushed limbs or he gazed directly into my eyes. Butterflies batted the lining of my stomach but it wasn't unwelcome as it had been before, now it brought a smile to my face.

I quickly dried and dressed deciding on a pale green button up and soft hue blue jeans and nude pink strappy heels with a gold tip on the heel and toe that matched the buttons on my shirt. Then I put on a bunch of gold mini rings and my gold charm bracelet and necklace and switched out all five of my silver earrings and bar for gold. Lastly, I clipped on a gold ear cuff onto my left ear. My nails were still black but chipping so I redid them a pale pink that matched my shoes.

When I looked at the clock it read 7:58, so I still had plenty of time to do my hair and makeup. After about ten minutes my nails were finally dry so I got started on my hair. The blue and pink had now faded to a cool platinum lavender and faded blush color but I didn't feel like having it down. Lazily, I combed it up into a ponytail, wrapped it around my hand a couple times then tied it into a bun. I didn't bother to fix the little wisps of hair that fell on the sides of my face but I did clip my "bangs" back and luckily they fell into a gorgeous bump. Then I applied a ring of black eyeliner to my waterlines, mascara and painted my lips nude with lipstick and coated them in a shiny clear gloss.

"Well, you look great", Vanessa commented  from the doorway.

I jumped a little, I hadn't heard her come up. "Thank you", I uttered clutching my chest.

Vanessa smiled apologetically coming all the way into my room. She looked down at my shirt at my bust like she was criticizing it. It wasn't like I had my chest out or anything, so why the hell was she looking at me like that? "What color brassiere are you wearing?", she asked intrusively.

"Black", I looked at her questioningly.

In a swift unsuspecting movement she unbuttoned two of my top buttons then stood back and admired her work. "There's no reason to look so antediluvian, Stephanie. You have a great chest and undoing just two doesn't show much at all or do you justice", she said snottily although she was complimenting me. "Besides, you're eighteen and don't need to dress like a nun to school. I've dressed you myself and you, my dear, are no nun".

Wait, was she insulting me? I was gonna-

"Well, you better get going. Your food and coffee are on the island and your keys are on their hook", she said walking away. "Have a good day".

That witch! I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and headed down stairs. Ky was at the table eating his breakfast and mine, like dragon lady said, was on the island waiting for me. I took a sip of my coffee, vanilla and nutmeg, yum, glancing at the time, 8:47. Shit! I was gonna be late.

"Ky, you ready?", I said grabbing my school bag from the floor by the couch and running back into the kitchen for my food and coffee.

Ky rinsed his plate and stood nodding. His face had healed pretty quickly but his lip still showed the deep cut and the wound in his stomach still randomly bled from time to time but there was nothing major but of course his ribs hadn't healed yet.

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