~Stay with me~ P.1 (Doil) 💖

Start from the beginning

It was hard at first for him, constantly being reminded of the other. Seeing him waking minute of everyday. And the sympathetic looks in Taeyong's eyes were enough to make him scream and curse. Curse at himself for being this dumb, curse himself for allowing himself to fall in love with not only his best friend (which in hindsight was already a bad idea) but a BANDMATE. It made him so angry, to a point where he couldn't stand it. He couldn't look in the mirror knowing what he had done. It was so simple, but felt like a life or death moment.

So, finally he did what he thought was best; he faked being sick for a couple days. Laying in bed, he felt sick just not physically. Mentally, he felt sick, discontent, and discombobulated all together. His head spun with questions he wanted to desperately for answers for anything. It wouldn't hurt so much if Doyoung just didn't ignore him all together. After all Doyoung had kissed him too but had the udacity to ignore him and pretent like he wasn't even there although he is. And everyday watching as he talks to everyone else all smiley and happy. It broke his heart a little more everyday, wanting that. Even wanting something close to that.

So on the fourth day of "being sick" Taeyong walked in. He still held the same sympathetic look in his eyes. But Taeil already knew where this was going and he was already not happy about where this was going to go. But what else could he do? He knows eventually he'd have to face Doyoung. Just not when he felt at a low point. Throughout this time, he depended on Doyoung so, so much as his happiness. As his rock, and now that he was gone it felt like he was reprogramming himself.

"You'll have to see him again, I understand you're upset Taeil-hyung. But I think you should leave the dorm soon" Taeyong had really tried his best to sound understanding. But no amount of words could potentially sound the greatest in this statement. And shamefully Taeil understood that.

But nother a less, Taeil had his fake smile that was easy to see through said a small 'I know' before actually answering him with a "give me one more day." And he saw a legitimate smile appear on Taeyong's face.

"Alright hyung. I know everything will be ok" Taeyong was always the greatest at trying to sound positive. And most times it had helped, shamefully Taeil was having problems finding the light at the end of the tunnel for this one. All the pain and suffering feels to have no end, and all the mental beat up just doesn't end in his head no matter how many times he cries at the thoughts in his head. Why him? Why did he have to like his best friend, his bandmate, his actual everything? Why out of everything did this have to happen?


It was the fifth day and he had done as he promised Taeyong. He dressed in black sweat pants, a black tee, black hat to cover his eyes. And of course his phone and headphones with him. It was the middle of Cherry Bomb dance practice. Something the group had to do before starting promotions, and if Doyoung wasn't in the same group as him he would of loved it. But no, at last everyone in Nct had joined today to watch 127 get ready and dance practice. And Taeil had to act the least obvious anything of anything happening between the two around fourteen. Yep, fourteen others including Doyoung himself so fifteen. So he had just quickly gotten into position ready to start the choreography.

"Hey Taeil-hyung how are you Taeyong said you were sick" asks Jaehyun. Taeil smiles at his precious dongsaeng. And answers with what he believes to be a very convincing 'of course'. But the look he gets from Jaehyun told him everything of what he needed. Everyone knew something was wrong, but for Taeil's sake pretending for him like nothing was wrong. And for once being around fourteen other males wasn't a bad thing.

It was right after practice when Doyoung started walking up to him. For some odd reason Taeil just couldn't look at him right now. It hurt for months he didn't care about the older. He let him think the worst, he left him in a way. So he did the only thing he could; run. His legs loosing feeling, tears already making their way down his face. He locked his dorm room bedroom door and cried. The tears felt hot and angry and just wouldn't stop. Even with the banging on the door in the background he didn't open the door.


After an hour nap their stood a very angry Doyoung. His blood ran cold "how did he open the door?" He wondered. In Doyoungs hand being a hair pen. Did he pick the lock?

"We need to talk hyung" his blood ran cold for the second time today. Those words could mean anything.

"Y-yes" he measly stuttered out. It made him cringe on the inside. And he hated it.

"Listen" he slowly sits on the edge of the bed waiting for any indication of how Taeil was feeling. When he got nothing but blank he decided to continue. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all this time. And I know nothing will make this better. I was just really confused, but I understand now hyung. I love you I need you." And with that the younger had just went to him pulling him into such a hug. It truly felt comforting.


"How could I forget" Doyoung answers with such a look in his eyes. Taeil didn't have to read into it too much like people say you need to in relationships. He just knew from the look how much Doyoung loved him, his eyes shown bright in the dim lighting of the room. It made his own heart sink really. And he would ask for this feeling everyday if he could.

Getting up, Taeil let out an immediate whine thinking his boyfriend was leaving. Instead of putting his shoes on, Doyoung takes off his coat, changes into pajamas rather quickly and rejoins Taeil under the covers. Taeil however was still confused, looking up Doyoung sends his boyfriend one of his gummy smiles. The same gummy smile that always melted his heart.

"I'm staying with you" turning off the lights and cuddling his boyfriend. That was how their night had went.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now